Sunday in the Park with George ticket 28 Feb 7 PM Feb 12
2017, 01:52:30 PM
I have one ticket for the 7 PM performance on Feb 28. The seat is REAR DRESS CIRCLE Row H, Seat 109, Seat 109 is 8 seats off aisle. I paid $117.25 with fees on Telecharge but will sell it for $75. My trip sadly had t be cancelled.
re: First Stage Door Experience May 14
2016, 12:46:02 AM
My very first stage door experience was when I was 17 and at the Kennedy Center when Vanessa Redgrave was in Hecuba. She was having hip problems, but came out and greeted us all so warmly. My friend was with me at the time and Vanessa went to the adults and then noticed we were separate. I brought a lobby card from Isadora and she loved it and talked about the movie. She took pictures and even invited the couple to have dinner with her later at the Watergate hotel wher
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 7
2016, 03:07:15 AM
Let me look at the author. I also enjoy the PBS documentary.
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 6
2016, 12:13:06 PM
Haha astromiami, no it's "naturally" for me--it's my all-time favorite play! I love the heavy drama and this one is packed! O'Neill is my favorite playwright and I'm preparing for this play by rereading his biography and the play. When I see a show, I like to really know the show. I've actually never seen a Broadway musical.
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 5
2016, 04:51:41 PM
I had a feeling AHS people would make it an issue (I feel like a hipster with Jessica because I've loved her work since I saw Frances in 2000). LDJ is my all-time favorite play and when I heard Jessica was in it again, I jumped at the chance! I even bought the window card when it first came up for sale.
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 5
2016, 04:46:38 PM
I'm going to the play on the 14th because there was a special promotion that had the actors (at their discretion) staying after to talk about the production. But Roundabout called me and said the actors won't be doing it.
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 5
2016, 04:42:17 PM
haha, yeah the odds aren't in my favor
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 5
2016, 04:39:51 PM
Sorry, I meant big names are a sure thing for fans to want. Not that they are sure things to sign.
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 5
2016, 04:31:25 PM
The elusive Mrs. Lange would be the ultimate. But if I enjoy an actors performance and didn't know them before, I always ask and I've always had performers be happy to do it. I know the big names are sure things (for people to want their signature), but I think it's nice to ask someone who did a great job, but who's name isn't that well known.
Stage Door for Long Day's Journey May 5
2016, 04:21:12 PM
Has anyone had any sort of success waiting outside the stage door? I'm travelling over 2200 miles to see this and naturally would love a quick signature. For the record, I know the stage door experience is a privilege, not a "right" with the purchase of a ticket.
re: Jessica Lange-Stage Door May 1
2016, 12:47:13 PM
I'm not going to jump into a debate about this (because honestly this debate is on so many threads) but this play is nearly 4 hours of intense human emotion. I understand Jessica not coming out and I never hold it against an actor for not. As a fan, one just wishes for that extra special moment where they sign a Playbill and you can have 5 seconds with them. That's where I stand (and I'm perfectly sane). If Jessica comes out, great! I travel over a 10
Vanessa Redgrave v.s. Jessica Lange May 1
2016, 12:43:21 PM
Thank you. Yeah, that is one thing I've been reading from the reviews--that Byrne is not an imposing figure (as O'Neill's father was in real life). Several have commented on how Michael Shannon appears taller and stronger and one wonders why the son just didn't take the father down. Obviously this production isn't as perfect, but I'm still excited to see it. Dennehy definitely fit the physical part of the role.
re: Jessica Lange-Stage Door May 1
2016, 02:01:56 AM
I hope she does come out. I have admired her work since 2000, when I saw her in Frances. I know AHS has given her an entirely new fan base and I bet autograph hounds will be there the first few weeks, hoping she comes out. But from what I've heard, she rarely signs.
Vanessa Redgrave v.s. Jessica Lange May 1
2016, 01:51:31 AM
I was wondering if there's anyone who saw Vanessa Redgrave perform that has also seen (or will see) Jessica Lange perform the role of Mary Tyrone in Long Day's Journey Into Night. I was 15 when Vanessa performed and did not get the chance to see it. Long Day's Journey Into Night has been my all-time favorite play (before Vanessa took it on) and I'm excited to see Jessica perform on the 14th of May. I deeply respect, Jessica as an actor and from what I've
Jake Gyllenhaal Stage door Jan 27
2015, 10:05:21 PM
I saw Jake's performance twice (on the 21st and 22nd). I have never had a bad experience being around dealers. The people I've been exposed to were never rude. This group (which was about 20) was rude as could be! Before Jake came out, they all complained about how they hated him and didn't care about him. One guy said he'd been to this stage door so much, Jake recognized him so he was now wearing a lot of winter gear to help disguise himself. When Jake came out, they flung their photos in