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Member Name: Sami7
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Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 17 2015, 07:43:25 PM

"Gawd, the overly defensive Darrenstans are amazing. I'm also bummed about the decline of the show since JCM left. Saying that really shouldn't result in this kind of instantaneous pile-on."


It's no different from the lectures doled out by people who dislike Darren anytime he is mentioned in comparison to Taye in a positive light. I agree that this is not the thread to discuss Darren, but then it works both ways. And snide comments every few p

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 17 2015, 07:18:21 PM

Nah, no policing. Just funny coming from someone so adamant that this remain a thread about Taye and his performance. Guess it's only positivity that is frowned upon.

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 17 2015, 07:10:37 PM

"Sigh. Will my poor show ever return to its pre April 26 glory days? "


You just can't resist getting a dig in at Darren, eh?

Anyway, I'm not much of a fan of Taye, but ouch indeed. 


Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 17 2015, 04:59:55 PM

I don't know that I would really consider an increase of a couple of thousand dollars doing better, especially since the average ticket price went down, but it could be worse I suppose.

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 6 2015, 12:49:58 AM

I don't think any of us can (or should) comment on what people's relationships are like off-stage or who has developed real, genuine friendships... but fair enough to say that you like her better when she's opposite Taye. Either way, though, she's definitely a gem, no doubt about that.

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 4 2015, 04:36:19 PM

"OK---Next report?"

Where does it say this thread is only for first-hand reports of the show? If that's the criteria, there aren't going to be very many posts; people curious about stage door, talking about sales, or comparing his performance to previous Hedwigs all seems to be pretty on topic to me. 

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 3 2015, 11:19:05 PM

But people who have heard he needs time to get into the role have decided to wait it out a bit and give him time, and those tuned-in Hed-heads are likely the people who would start generating the positive word of mouth if he were amazing in the role, etc. So, it isn't necessarily that word is spreading that he isn't up to it as much as people aren't hearing that they have to go see Taye from anyone..."

That might explain low advance sales moving fo

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 3 2015, 10:42:24 PM

I don't really know that negative word of mouth would be a factor for Taye at this stage in the game (if there even is that much negative talk surrounding him - sure, there has been some here and on other social media sites, but I don't think the overall impression of him is that he's some great flop). It /is/ only the second week after all, and Taye's advance sales weren't very good even in his very first week, when there were no reviews to be had. (Though I do agree that it's possible

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Aug 3 2015, 10:07:02 PM

Most of Darren's fans fall within the 18-25-year-old demographic... plenty old enough to buy their own ticket. Not that it means anything if people's parents bought them, though. A seat sold is still a seat sold. 

I think part of the reason, though, that Darren sold a fair number of advance tickets is because a lot of his fanbase is international and not based in NY (I have no idea if this is also true of Taye's fans). Given that that is the case it makes sense that people wou

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Jul 26 2015, 01:47:32 AM

"Perhaps the Darren-centric posts belong somewhere besides the Taye thread?"

Agreed! We'll follow your lead. :)

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Jul 26 2015, 01:27:34 AM

I really sincerely doubt that any of the bodyguards were made "miserable" by Darren. Or maybe the tears shed by Annie on Darren's last night were tears of joy that he was finally leaving, and all of the positive things said by Bobby re: Darren and vice versa are all for show. Did they want to get home sooner? Probably. But if they truly had a problem with him or his methods they likely would have said something during his run. Anyway, pretty sure buddy just doesn't feel like signing **** and

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Jul 26 2015, 12:52:10 AM

I know DC's Tommy was for many their favorite part of his performance. Unfortunately, the show is not called 'Tommy.'"

I didn't say Darren's Tommy was my favourite part of his performance. It wasn't. I just said that nailing that portion of the show is integral to one's understanding of the role, and that Darren happened to do a great job with it. But, agree to disagree, because I know we very much do not agree. 

@ChildofEarth - The

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Jul 26 2015, 12:30:45 AM

Personally, if I am paying good money to see someone in a role (and might very well not be able to afford to go see it multiple times) then no, I don't really care if they ~might one day get better~. Surely no one expects perfection from him at this stage of the game, but some of his errors are things that I don't think should be happening to an actor of his caliber and reputation. As for understanding the character, I think that's completely subjective. His portrayal of Tommy, which to me is

Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig
 Jul 25 2015, 11:37:34 PM

It doesn't really sound like the audience interaction is what he's having trouble with, though, but rather rote memorization of the story and song. Absolutely for Darren, his work on Glee would have prepared him better than most for learning the songs and choreo quickly, but I agree with the poster above who said that it comes down to professionalism. There's quite a difference, imo, between being nervous and not quite having your bearings yet, and not knowing your lines. It's just a shame th

Darren Criss in Hedwig
 Jul 23 2015, 12:20:56 AM

Fair enough. I didn't mean to imply that simply because I am a fan, that means everyone else has to be as well. But I think it's fair to say that from the get-go there were a lot of people unwilling to give him a chance, and who discounted him immediately, and that, imo, comes from a place that is not conducive to a fair or honest assessment of his work. Personally, I discount people who rave about a thing (so, my own review) but also people who say it was "omg, the worst thing ever", because

Darren Criss in Hedwig
 Jul 22 2015, 09:09:32 PM

I'll admit upfront that I am completely biased when it comes to Darren and his performance, as I was a Glee fan right until the bitter end, and only really developed an interest in Hedwig due to his being in the role, but using words like "embarrassment" (which is one of the milder critiques I have seen from some members of this board) is completely without merit. As with all of the other actors, Darren was better at some things than others, but overall, (and based on the general reviews

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 5/3/15
 May 6 2015, 07:41:46 PM

It wasn't a full week, though. It was 6 shows, not 7. Had he had a seventh I'm sure he would have been right on par with JCM's last several weeks (excluding his final week, obviously, which is a bit of a different ball game). I think it's kind of a fallacy to assume that they only chose Criss because of his Glee popularity, because as everyone knows that show fell pretty severely off the general audience's radar in the last couple of years and it's not as though this show is geared for a

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