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Profile for youknowinsweden

Member Name: youknowinsweden
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re: Guys and Dolls Review Posts go here!
 Mar 1 2009, 05:43:18 PM
NY1 is negative...

re: IMPRESSIONISM first preview reviews?
 Mar 1 2009, 02:27:21 PM
When one goes from prominent roles in some quality musicals to a role where he or she is literally on the stage for less than ten minutes with no direct significant contribution to the storyline – I am going to feel for them – no actor wants that. I was huge fan of Aaron and most elements of the show ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ despite the exaggerated negative critic response to the musical – the reference was more of a joke. That being said his role in IMPRESSIONISM is hardly a role that he coveted
re: IMPRESSIONISM first preview reviews?
 Feb 28 2009, 11:49:25 PM
It is also very depressing to see someone like Aaron Lazar fade into the background so easily. Granted, he has not been given the best material as of late, but it was still quite sad to witness. I guess that is the sad truth after A Tale of Two Cities - you go from that to serving coffee, hi-fiving Jeremy Irons, and swapping spit with Margarita Levieva.
re: IMPRESSIONISM first preview reviews?
 Feb 28 2009, 11:37:45 PM
I'll write a full review soon - but it was a mess. Andre De Shields was the highlight for me... everyone else was less than stellar.
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