Glass Menagerie first preview Sep 6
2013, 02:23:13 PM
"Dave, you were lucky to get TDF seats. They were gone in a heartbeat! I wonder if there will be any more." I got a 50% off 6th row ticket at TKTS last night thirty minutes before the show.
Glass Menagerie first preview Sep 6
2013, 02:23:13 AM
Saw it tonight as well. Gorgeous and devastating. Cherry is God, but the most impactful scene to me was the scene between Laura and the Gentleman Caller. I am familiar with the play, as I read it often, but this was my first time seeing it. Even with my intimacy, I was overwhelmed by the humor and pathos. Tennessee is alive and well at the Booth.
That cute little Off Broadway RENT revival Jan 17
2012, 01:44:11 AM
You're the best.
Met Opera audience apparent joined Occupy Lincoln Center protest last night? Dec 3
2011, 12:25:18 PM
So many things wrong with what Winston wrote. Wow. What a complete misconception of the ultimate purpose of art.
The Early Days of the BWW Board: Any Info?? Aug 2
2010, 10:16:57 AM
I joined this site in the summer of 2004. I was 15. For the first couple of years, and for that first summer especially (SUMMER CHATS '04!), I was on this website all the damn time. This site helped me grow in ways that I cannot articulate. A few of the posters here, and one in particular who I miss dearly, helped me to find myself when I was most lost, in the way that any closeted gay boy in Texas would feel lost. I don't spend nearly as much time on these boards as I used to.
Songs about the 7 Deadly Sins Jun 16
2010, 03:38:42 PM
"Seven Deadly Virtue" from CAMELOT covers them all.
NEXT TO NORMAL wins Pulitzer Prize for Drama Apr 12
2010, 09:50:08 PM
"I feel like the plot development happens within those songs as opposed to between them." Then you don't really have a clear understanding of what is meant by the term "book." Usually, the finest portions of the script are taken and turned into songs, but the bookwriter initially dramatized those moments.
Disney's Enchanted to get Second Chapter! Feb 5
2010, 02:50:48 AM
I'm down with this on two conditions. One: Adams returns. Two: Menzel does not. Not that I have any say in the matter.
re: NINE - The Movie Musical - Review Thread Dec 27
2009, 03:29:10 AM
Best: You articulated most of my thoughts about the movie. I loved it, and I am perplexed by the level of trashing it has received both from critics and people I have talked to about the film.
re: rOcKS' Best & Worst of 2009 Dec 21
2009, 01:47:33 PM
Did you not like this particular production of GODOT? Or do you not understand the show in general?
re: GLEE ain't SAGging NOW Dec 17
2009, 01:16:59 PM
Imagine there's some quality, It's easy if you try. Nothing to roll your eyes at, No more gravity to defy. Imagine all the people, Watching and loving Glee. Imagine there's no Autotune, It isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill the emotion, And some good writing too. Imagine all the people, Agreeing with what they see. You may say I'm a dreamer, But I'm not the only one. I hope someday we'll love Glee, And the gays can li
re: OK I Have HAD IT with this GLEE HATRED! Dec 16
2009, 02:09:48 PM
I've tried to like this show. I have. I want to like it so very much. But it's just awful.
re: GLEE Cast GLEE-ful Over Golden Globes Dec 16
2009, 02:04:39 PM
I, for one, alway look to the Hollywood Foreign Press as the highest arbiters of taste and quality. GLEE may soon join the ranks of Pia Zadora, where it belongs.
re: Me And Orson Welles Dec 13
2009, 04:28:35 PM
I really loved this film. It was mainly Ebert's quote that made me want to see it. It sounded a bit hyperbolic, but I figured there had to be something there for him to make a statement like that. I certainly see where he is coming from. I loved every second. Christian McKay is wonderful as Orson. Beyond wonderful. The production design is perfectly evocative. The film looked beautiful. I loved listening to the underscoring and trying to pinpoint the various songs. Efr
re: Most Emotional Tony Award Winning Speeches Oct 5
2009, 02:08:16 PM
Yes to Michael Jeter.
re: Anna Deavere Smith's new show to play 2nd Stage in September Sep 17
2009, 11:05:21 PM
I'm very upset I won't be able to see this. Adore her.
scotland releases lockerbie bomber on 'compassionate grounds' Aug 28
2009, 03:07:22 AM
I understand where everybody is coming from, but I for the life of me cannot understand why so many see no opportunity to even consider the idea of compassionate justice, even in so extreme and distressing a case. I understand the basic issues with it and the gut emotions involved, and I certainly feel them, too. Had I been in the Justice Minister's place, I feel I would have denied his release. I know I sound like a broken record, but I suppose my main issue has to do
re: Rhondi Reed in August today Jun 28
2009, 08:43:41 PM
I cannot wait to see her in AWAKE AND SING next year. With Amy Morton directing. Yes, please.
re: Characters You Never Liked Until You Saw A Different Interpretation Jun 16
2009, 02:25:22 AM
... but then this little genius by the name of Sam Mendes met up with another genius by the name of Alan Cumming, and the character of the Emcee was recreated into an iconic symbol of the broadway stage. My main problem with the original Emcee was that he was just a puppet 1) Part of the whole point is that he is a puppet. 2) Are you saying Harold Prince isn't a genius? I love both interpretations. They both make for a radically different show, but both are equally p
Green Your Facebook For Iran (Please Read) Jun 16
2009, 02:20:09 AM
Iranians are angry over the elections in their country, as has been demonstrated by the massive protests throughout the country. The internet, especially Facebook and Twitter, has been instrumental in organizing the protests and getting out messages and images to the West. The importance of the internet to the opposition and Mousavi supporters is explained very well here: On his blog, Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic has asked for all Facebook users to "green" their Facebook profile to show solidarity for the Iranian people who demand that their votes count. ( IRANIAN BLOGGERS HAVE EXPRESSED HOW MUCH THE SUPPORT THEY HAVE GAINED FROM THOSE IN OTHER COUNTRIES HAS MEANT. Support that has been expressed over the internet. We must let them know that we stand with them, even if it must be from a distance. OUR GOVERNMENT MUST TREAD LIGHTLY, for if Ahmedinejad ends up with the Presidency despite the outrage, we must work with him. BUT, we can let the Iranian people know that we, the American people, are standing behind them in solidarity, by using the same social networking tools they have used so well. This may seem naive and fruitless, but all the same, there is little we can do and we must do something. So, please, INVITE EVERYONE YOU KNOW and CHANGE YOUR PROFILE PICTURE TO GREEN. Let the Iranian people know that we stand with them, even if our government must act with caution.