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Member Name: teapot
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RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
 Aug 8 2010, 07:14:29 AM
I saw it Friday night.
Vanessa Hudgens was not ready to take on a role like Mimi. It was obvious how hard she was trying, but her voice was not capable of handling the songs. She was unbelievably nasal in Light My Candle, and came across as a Catholic schoolgirl who stripped on the side in Out Tonight. She was often off-key, and her delivery was lacking in emotion. Her small scene where she sneaks off to get high with her friends seemed more like a trip to the mall. It was not her age t

re: Promotion Code-LA-9 to 5
 Aug 14 2008, 09:29:23 PM
No information on any promotion codes, but there ARE Hottix available from the box office right now for most dates. The seats are not great usually, but at $20.00 they are a real bargain. Only available by telephone or in person at the Ahmanson, limit 2 per person, while they last.
re: Back from Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl
 Aug 12 2008, 04:49:56 AM
I saw the Friday night performance, and I took my teenage daughter for her first live Les Miz. She loved it, and has been singing "The Song of Angry Men" nonstop ever since. I enjoyed the concert presentation, missed everything that was cut but understood why, LOVED Stokes Mitchell's voice, agree with most of the other evals of the other actors/voices, but really hated the suicide scene. The staging reminded me of Eliza on the ice in the King and I's Uncle Tom's Cabin ballet, and I thought Ja
re: Promotion Code-LA-9 to 5
 Aug 12 2008, 04:31:16 AM
I am also looking for a promotion code for this. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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