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RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)

RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#1RENT at Hollywood Bowl (with REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/5/10 at 11:04pm

Is anyone else on the board here seeing it?

I'm going to the dress rehearsal tomorrow morning at 10 am. I'll post thoughts, if anyone is interested!

So excited!

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...
Updated On: 8/6/10 at 11:04 PM

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#2RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:04pm

Okay, so I just got back from seeing the final dress rehearsal at the Bowl. Overall it was a really enjoyable experience.

Some quick notes: There is about 10-15 percent of material that is cut. No "we're okay," missing verses in I'll Cover You, the song leading to angel's entrance is cut (much like the film). "Seasons Reprise" is moved to the very end of the show and done with a twist and a bit of a remix, and "Life Support: cuts all of Mark's material out completely. I think that covers it all musically for cuts. The staging is drastically scaled down (obviously) but I think overall the show could have benefited from larging staging portions, especially when it comes to Tango Maureen or even the opening of the show. La Vie Boheme is still highlight, and wonderfully choreographed. The band is very good as well, although today they were ALL over the place, I mean ALL over. I do wonder however why they talk about how "different" the music sounds. It's pretty much the same exact sound with a few exceptions here or there, really not much to discuss about it. Set is good and works well, its just SO big that even sitting very close a lot of the movement and energy gets lost. I'm sure the cast was giving it their all, but sometimes it seemed flat. Costuming is very good as well, mostly staying very true to the original. Except for Angel's wig which is now completely white (a wise choice actually because you can see it from very far away.)


* Like I stated above, it needed to be staged more with much higher amounts of franticness as times.
* The new cuts in the music can make for some really weird vocal entrances, and sometimes it just sounds weird. The band does weird things (I'm sure a lot of this had to do with the fact they were still rehearsing)
* Collins Pennie as BENNY. I don't even think tonight will make much of a difference. He's the weakest member of the entire cast, period. Speak singing, rhythms off, lines wrong. No one around me was happy with him. The theater queens were having a fit.
* Mic issues were all over the place, not something I'd even be worried about however.
* The staging of Mimi's death. When she comes back to life it's awfully staged. I've yet to see any director really get this scene correct.


* Nicole as MAUREEN. This woman is the standout of the entire show and brings the house DOWN with Over The Moon and Take Me. She never waivers for a second in her performance and it shows. What a powerhouse, and her acting is also wonderful. I'm THRILLED for her.
* Aaron Tveit is effortless as Roger. It's almost too easy for him...he is great. The male standout.
* Wayne Brady...but does he ever dissapoint? He really shines in I.C.Y Reprise, it makes me wish he would've have so much more to sing.
*Tango Maureen. I won't tell you what the surprise is, but if you think of the movie you will have a small incling of what to expect. It worked really nicely, I just think they could have made it even BIGGER. (you'l find out more soon enough)

Neil does a great job putting the show together, which is obviously no easy feat. It was fun seeing him freakout whenever everything didn't go perfect. At one point the band was screwing up and he took his hat off and threw it in a fit. SO good.

And now to VHudge...I know all of you are dying to know. Here's what it comes down to, she is good but not amazing. Her vocals are nice, but need more support. However when she lets loose it is very lovely to watch. It's a daring role. I've seen better Mimi's, but I've also seen much worse. She faired well, I think people will be kind. Her family was also there in the entire audience, sister included- with all her friends. It was sweet to see them all so excited.

Overall I'd say the rehearsal was about a 6/7 out of 10. And sure to be much better tonight. I really enjoyed myself. People are going to love it. The talent is incredible. Nicole runs away with the show...amazing.

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...
Updated On: 8/6/10 at 05:04 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#2RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:07pm

Thanks for posting this! I'm eager to keep reading more reviews since I won't be able to make it down there.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

ljay889 Profile Photo
#3RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:08pm

I knew Nicole would be great. And all that negativity when she was announced.

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#4RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:09pm


Over The Moon is HYSTERICAL, and staged and sung like you've never heard. Nicole raps as well- which is quite funny. She owns this number. I haven't seen a better Maureen is a very long time.

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#5RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:10pm

But the real question is - does Mimi wear the blue pants and does Mark have that Where's Waldo scarf?

DAME Profile Photo
#6RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:12pm

Yep. Saw second half of rehearsal.( and half of act 1) It was kind of flat and uneventful. Should still make for a nice night out. HATED Wayne Brady. He was awful. VH was ehhhh. The girl who played Maureen was very good. But she really stands out because everything else was kind of bland. All in all it is what one comes to expect from these musicals at the Bowl. Mediocre summer stock in a venue that is not meant for this sort of thing. But I am glad I saw what I did.

Updated On: 8/6/10 at 05:12 PM

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#7RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:12pm

Yes Mimi has blue pants, Mark's costume is also an exact replica. Although I think the scarf was just a dark blue, I actually can't remember.

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

Edna Turnblad Profile Photo
Edna Turnblad
#8RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:16pm

I'm happy that Nicola Schergablahblah is good. I didn't thing she'd be bad, it just came as a surprise when it was announced that I couldn't stop laughing!

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#9RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:28pm

I do agree with Neil adding ensemble members to help the vocals translate to the back of the venue, but with so many people onstage it's difficult (if you're far back) to notice who the character that's speaking in. I also loved the added instruments.

Aaron Tveit and Skylar Astin were wonderful vocally. What You Own was magic. LOVED La Vie Boheme.

Some other changes I was not fond of, but I've got to run and don't have time to finish up. I agree that the rehearsal gets a 6 or 7 out of 10.
Updated On: 12/3/11 at 05:28 PM

#10RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 5:47pm

Here is some of my thoughts, albeit jumbled. I will talk ALOT about production and design first, and actors and direction towards the end... if you wanna jump ahead :)
*******SPOILERS MAYBE???????******
The set was reminiscent of the original production, BUT it had its completely own design to it... kinda... It looked very much like all the different pieces onstage were pulled from other shows. There was no cohesiveness to the design.

The set was a series of large scaff platforms that took up the ENTIRE center stage. The C main level housed the band, and the "roger/mark living room" that stayed most of the show. They also used this level for La Vie Boheme, as to be expected for such a large number.

Stage Right was another fairly large level, which was used for TakeMe/Leave me, with the original bway choreography with two tables across from eachother. This was also used for Angel/COllins death sequence, which was also very similar to the original bwy.

SL Platform was rairly used for much of anything, and there was a large scaff overcross from SR to SL fully upstage. LOTS of Levels.

What bothered me about the set was that the platforms were used SO much, that it left very little stage room in front of them. Fine for the line in seasons of love, but VERY tight when used for Tango Maureen.
on the far SL and SR sides were brick walls with crates, trashcans, bums, etc which remained throughout the show.
Costumes were the same way! Half of the costumes were from the Original broadway production, and half of them were redesigned!
ORIGINAL COSTUMES: Mark, Roger, Mimi, Angels, Collins, Benny, and Joanne(except wayyyy sexier for take me or leave me, where she wore a white tank, and sexy black suspenders)
The mother was redesigned, some bums etc. were re designed, and MAUREEN got a complete overhaul! I will discuss Nicole below.
Sound was just off today. It will be fixed for tonight I’m sure. It was so funny to see Neil get pissed off and throw his hat!
Overall, the cast was NOT giving their all in the first half. The pace was completly off, musicians were ****ing up left and right, and alot of people wernt giving full out.
He really shined during act II. “His On Your Own” Roger was ****ing fantastic. Overall? He was Mark. The same mark you know to love, with very little originality. But he was good.
He will do the role justice. Seemed like he wasnt singing full out during act one, but he kicked it in gear for act two! That man has got some pipes! His acting is spot on, and he has full command of the role.
BENNY- (dont have the program, and dont remember his name)
All I can say is Neil Patrick Harris ****ed up. Terrible vocalist, terrible actor, terrible overall. I will say i could tell he was trying REALLY hard, but didnt have the confidence, and therefor knew he wasnt doin so hot. Recast this afternoon please. A for effort though.
Fantastic as always. Still rockin her sh*t. But what frustrated me here is that they recast the person who sings "Who the F**k do you think you are... hey artist? " stuff, and she was terrible. Neil! Gwen is standing right there on stage! Give her the lines back! But I guess with a cast of 70 people, you have to give others something to do.
That man is a performer. He wasn’t giving it his all in act I, but he kicked it into gear for act II, and the I’ll cover you reprise was A+++ So passionate.
Leung rocked it. He tore it up vocally, and commanded his performance. One big direction change was they cut the orgy, and Angel sang the “Take Me, today for you” verse at the top of the scaff in white angelic lighting. Great change. He kicked major butt during “Today for You”, especially seeing as the orchestra had no idea what song they were playing, and raped the music.
She’s still got it. “Take Me or Leave Me” was a huge standout for me. She is damn sexy, and gave a stellar performance. She will be even better tonight.
NICOLE (not gonna try to spell her last name)- MAUREEN
This woman stole the show! She is by FAR the best Maureen since Idina. She has created a completely different role. Her costume had a VERY modern Katy Perry look, and her hair was curled in a 1920’s way, ala Katy Perry. VERY sexy in all leather, and she OWNED the roll. Over the Moon was phenomenal. Her Tango was gorgeous, and Take Me or Leave me was one my favorite parts of the show.
And finally….
I was very surprised and impressed with her! She gave a very different interpretation of Mimi because of her age. It really made sense that Roger would think she was 16! She was very young and cracked out, and hurting. Vocally she is struggling, but she made it up with her depth. “Out Tonight” was completely reinvisioned. The number started with her at her dressing table, and then heading “Out Tonight” They used the wraparound at the bowl, and she went out, shook her sparkely hair, and met up with her skanky Spanish friends to do coke. Yup, she takes a snort onstage. Necessary? Neil had very interesting direction.

So overall, I would give it a 7/10, which will be even higher I’m sure this evening.

Enjoy the show if you can make it. You're sure to have a nice evening out!

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#11RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:01pm


Unblock ur PM's. I tried to respond to you, but it wouldn't let me RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

Popular Profile Photo
#12RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:04pm

The title should really be changed to reflect that these are "reviews" of a REHEARSAL. Leave the writing of thoughts of the ACTUAL SHOW to those going tonight through Sunday. Just my opinion.

Edna Turnblad Profile Photo
Edna Turnblad
#13RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:07pm

I must admit, thought I haven't seen this production, when I watched the final performance, I couldn't help but think that Collin, Mark and Roger singing before Angel should be taken out, and Mark's Life Support part. I'm glad those were changed. It always seemed that those parts didn't need to be in there/didn't need to be sung.

#14RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:08pm

Popular- I'm pretty sure we have all mentioned in our "reviews" that we have been understanding of rehearsal mistakes.

and i accept PMS now!

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#15RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:12pm

Popular, I think this thread can and will also be used for reviews throughout the weekend. Nothing wrong with that.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#16RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:13pm

@ Lizzie: EXACTLY!

@Popular: I'm seeing it tonight as well as Sunday. I will update with reviews, as I'm sure many many others will as well.

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#17RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:15pm

sdfsdalfk - Also unblock your PMs if you're reading this!

Hopefully all the technical/instrumental mistakes will be 100% cleaned up tonight and there will be no hat throwing!

I thought that they would use the screens during the rehearsal, to make sure they would work smoothly for the show, but they didn't. Hopefully that won't malfunction since my seats are pretty far out there, lol.

Popular Profile Photo
#18RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:19pm

I'm seeing it tonight. Can't wait :)

Didn't mean to come across as the thread police. It's just if Neil specifically requested for people not to post about the rehearsal, "he should have known better" is a poor excuse for disrespecting his wishes. Once again, just my opinion.

I understand people are going to say what they have to say either way. Lizzie, I agree! I would be very glad for this thread to become the main one throughout the weekend. It makes it so much easier to keep up with!

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#19RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:22pm

Neil asked that we don't give away the "secrets" or "surprises". None of that was done. Just a simple review, and I even said I wouldn't state certain things that happen until others have seen it.

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

MeggilyWeggily08 Profile Photo
#20RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:40pm

Neil specifically addressed facebook and twitter, and the "surprises". Although Nicole being so fantastic acting/comedy wise was slightly surprising to me! So, whoops.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#21RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 6:44pm

Dear lordy, there's a "#goodluckvanessa" hastag...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#22RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/6/10 at 9:06pm

That's so sad...

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

#23RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/7/10 at 12:57am

I just noticed vids are already up on "the site"- search for most recent uploads of Aaron Tveit and Vanessa Hudgens!

ljay889 Profile Photo
#24RENT at Hollywood Bowl (REVIEWS)
Posted: 8/7/10 at 1:14am

Wow, Hudgens sounds WEAK!!!
