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Member Name: Bevan Michael
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re: more 'ridiculous' ideas that pre-date SPIDERMAN
 Jul 8 2004, 07:23:12 PM
OK, wait. You're telling me you want me to put my money behind a musical about a man who's dying from a brain tumor? You've got to be kidding me! No one would ever pay to see that! What else have you got?

Oh, this one is a real winner. A bunch of tourists on a cruise ship and they're excited to have the worlds most wanted criminal onboard... please, give me something to work with here!

The Taming Of The Shrew? A musical? I don't think so sweetie. Shakespeare should be left

re: What Is In Your CD Player(s) Right Now
 Jun 28 2004, 03:04:22 PM
5 Disc Changer: Alanis Morisette "So-Called Chaos", John Mayer "Inside Wants Out", The SGT (if any of you have heard of them, let me know ) "A Walk In The Park", Jason Mraz "Waiting For My Rocket To Come" and Ben Folds "Rocking The Suburbs"
re: Sweeney Todd, Company, Assassins Film/TV Musicals in the works
 Jun 23 2004, 08:32:48 PM
I think that Hello Again would make an excellent art film. The general public would not appreciate it, I imagine, but if it was given a limited release to art houses, I think it could be magical.
re: Broadway Songs that Give You Chills
 Jun 23 2004, 08:28:09 PM
"Tower of Babble" leaves me in tears or near-tears every time I see it performed. The cast recording(s) don't have the same effect on me, though. Just seeing it live.
re: Little Shop Performance on Regis
 Jun 23 2004, 08:26:52 PM
I, like a lot of people here apparently, thought that he wasn't bad... but not necessarily good either. After seeing him in Rent a few years ago, I remember walking away with the same feeling. Passable, but not destined for the original cast.

Anyone know what song is being sung tomorrow? I know it's Caroline Or Change... would they do "Lot's Wife" again after so recently having it on the Tony's?

re: Raul Esparza as the Leading Player?
 Jun 21 2004, 04:40:09 PM
Perhaps a studio album would be nice. The score has some gems, and you could then utilize Raul as LP without having to worry about choreography :)
re: Raul Esparza as the Leading Player?
 Jun 20 2004, 11:05:53 PM
But can he dance? Leading Player can be pretty dance intensive.
re: New here
 Jun 20 2004, 01:13:20 AM
Thank you everyone for your warm welcome :) Sorry I haven't really posted anything yet, I've just been really really busy. I think I'm gonna go check out that off-topic board now though
New here
 Jun 18 2004, 05:57:29 PM
Hey everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself. I joined the community about an hour ago, this is my first post.

My name's Bevan, I'm a acting student at Wright State University, 19 years old, male, live in Akron Ohio at the moment (for the summer), etc etc etc.

So... yeah *waves* I guess I'll talk to you all later

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