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Member Name: Trey C
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re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
 Sep 1 2008, 03:30:01 PM

@ mormonophobic

"No habla Ingles"?

I got it when RC in Austin made the Whatever Happened to Baby Jane reference. And I got musicalmaster's Company reference. But I'm not gettin' this one and my partner's clueless, too.

Although I LOVE your moniker! Nicely done!!

re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
 Aug 31 2008, 12:27:12 PM
Ha ha!

I'm off to have another Vodka Stingerrrr.

I know I tie everything to Patti, but have you heard her sing **that one**?? Totally awesome. Nobody does it like Patti. She's the f-ing best!!

Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
 Aug 29 2008, 12:24:20 AM
So, I got my Gypsy cast recording. It is SOOOO good. More on that in a second.

So, my grandmother is fascinated with special needs children and autism specifically and she's passingly interested in Broadway. So she goes to Amazon to the Patti Lupone book, The Unreachable Star, (for the autism stuff) and she was able to get it PLUS the Gypsy cast recording together, for a discounted price. Really, really cool!!

But I digress.

The Gypsy cast recording. Wow. It is

re: 'Idol' Finalist Ace Young to Join Broadway's Grease
 Aug 25 2008, 11:13:16 PM
I totally agree NGD47 and Jukebox.

To the news that "Ace" (only that the quote marks are not necessary is annoying in itself) is going to be in a Broadway show, I say UGH.

Grease ain't me forte, mate. Am I a Phillistine for not being all that crazy about Grease?

Although, speaking of Idol alums on the Great White Way, I totally loved that Clay Aiken in Spamalot. He was a delight! My partner and I were scrambling to get decent seats to *any* show that day. Spa

re: The Unreachable Star: My Unauthorized Travels with Patti LuPone
 Aug 25 2008, 04:14:16 PM

"Iffy" wasn't Patti's word. She endorsed it. And I'm not the brightest bulb. As Columbo would say, once of the other detectives back at the station would have had this all figured out by now!

What does "iffy" mean in this context? What does it mean vis-a-vis this book? That the book is inaccurate? In what sense? I mean really, it's just a trifle, it's not a magnum opus! A fun trifle. Like a mint truffle!

In my reading of it, I found nothing that I, in

re: The Unreachable Star: My Unauthorized Travels with Patti LuPone
 Aug 25 2008, 10:18:32 AM
@ RC in Austin

Ha! Nice "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" reference!!

Yes, RC, I am quite a Patti fan. It goes like this - and in this particular order.

1. Patti
2. Mozart
3. George Takei

And as I wrote earlier, for the die-hard Patti fans, I don't understand why they won't give this book a look unless it's a $ issue and I certainly can relate to that! Especially in these times. But it wasn't too bad, the book cost me <$20. I loved all the lit

re: SA San Diego Opening Night ...
 Aug 24 2008, 05:44:04 PM
I am SOOO there.

Loved sitting on stage, just loved it!, but not for a first viewing b/c you can't hear as well. But it's a trip! I took my brother, the cage fighter (seriously). He knows nothing of Broadway and was embarrassed to be there; thought he'd have to forfeit his man card. But it blew his mind when we kept walking and walking right to the stage and sat our asses down. And Hey, Mikey, he liked it!

I'm dying to see the tour production!!

re: The Unreachable Star: My Unauthorized Travels with Patti LuPone
 Aug 24 2008, 05:25:32 PM
Happy Sunday everyone!

Oh how I love reading the Patti debates on the message boards. There are a couple of staunch camps. I relate to both views. I've met Patti a few times, 2X at the stage door, and a couple of times at after show events. She was exquisitely nice once, cordial twice, and blisteringly mean once. And I don't care. For me she's about the music, the art. ANYONE who says she's overrated, well, I have no response for that for I can't fathom that view.


Patti Lupone Book??
 Jun 26 2008, 03:07:06 PM
So first off, super congrats to Patti for winning her well-deserved Tony!!

Congrats again to Patti for announcing her memoir!

So, I go on-line to get more info on the exciting memoir news and I see stuff about another book purportedly about her, "Unreachable Star"?

There is precious little info on it. Has anyone read/seen it? Has anyone heard of it? **Any** info would be greatly appreciated.

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