Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!

Trey C
#1Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
Posted: 8/29/08 at 12:24am

So, I got my Gypsy cast recording. It is SOOOO good. More on that in a second.

So, my grandmother is fascinated with special needs children and autism specifically and she's passingly interested in Broadway. So she goes to Amazon to the Patti Lupone book, The Unreachable Star, (for the autism stuff) and she was able to get it PLUS the Gypsy cast recording together, for a discounted price. Really, really cool!!

But I digress.

The Gypsy cast recording. Wow. It is SO well mixed. I can hear every instrument clearly and at the appropriate levels. Unlike Lady With the Torch wherein the trumpet section made my ears bleed on every song!! Ugh. But here, yes the brass instruments are certainly in attendance but in just the right amount. The singing, of course, across the board, sublime! I couldn't be happier.

I'm so sad I don't live in NYC. I miss Broadway so. This Unreachable Star book deals a lot with Broadway in general and Gypsy specifically. It really put me in the mood for my Gypsy CD. Something about Gypsy really, really speaks to me. Mama Rose, you can debate whether she's really a good person or not, whether she's really trying to "get my kids out!" or get herself out. But what can't be debated is how driven and determined she with her goals for them and herself. When I get down or lazy about my goals, Mama Rose kicks me in the ass and I love it.

And Patti was BORN to pay Mama Rose; it's really quite remarkable. Just as she was born to play Evita, and Mrs. Lovett, and Widow Begbick. Patti is amazing. Simply amazing. I don't know if she was born to play Fosca in Passion (I think she's too beautiful, too innately powerful for that role).

#2re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
Posted: 8/30/08 at 8:03pm

I am waiting until a special time to sit and listen to the new recording and re-read the book. I think a nice cup of herbal tea and a kitty on my lap will help! I loved the Unreachable Star the first time so I think the second time will equally be a treat.
Unreachable Star and New Gypsy Recording together

In love with the theatre!

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#2re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
Posted: 8/30/08 at 8:22pm

"But I digress."

Say Something so I don't stress

Sorry I had to :)

Updated On: 8/30/08 at 08:22 PM

Trey C
#3re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
Posted: 8/31/08 at 12:27pm

Ha ha!

I'm off to have another Vodka Stingerrrr.

I know I tie everything to Patti, but have you heard her sing **that one**?? Totally awesome. Nobody does it like Patti. She's the f-ing best!!

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#4re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
Posted: 8/31/08 at 10:07pm

No habla Ingles!

Trey C
#5re: Gypsy CD + Unreachable Star!!!
Posted: 9/1/08 at 3:30pm

@ mormonophobic

"No habla Ingles"?

I got it when RC in Austin made the Whatever Happened to Baby Jane reference. And I got musicalmaster's Company reference. But I'm not gettin' this one and my partner's clueless, too.

Although I LOVE your moniker! Nicely done!!
