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Member Name: louderthanwords870
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 Jun 10 2009, 04:55:09 PM
Thanks a lot!
 Jun 10 2009, 04:38:07 PM
Some friends and I are planning to see THE NORMAN CONQUESTS. Any suggestions as to which play of the trilogy? Thanks.
re: Your favorite 'moment' in a cast recording.
 May 24 2009, 06:40:22 PM
I'm currently in love with the line in "I've Been," from NEXT TO NORMAL - "Mine is just a slower suicide." Gets me every time...
re: N2N, In the Heights or Hair?
 May 20 2009, 09:10:19 PM
As much as I'm pushing for Next to Normal, I'd have to say Hair, definitely.
re: Shows where the Broadway orchestra is asked in their parts to 'shout ou
 May 20 2009, 05:35:14 PM
In Drood, the orchestra doesn't exactly talk to the cast, but there are interactions - the Chairman, Philip Bax, the Princess Puffer, etc.
re: BILLY ELLIOT's score...
 May 20 2009, 05:20:47 PM
The film is definitely one of my favorites, and having seen it before I'd seen the show, I understood some of the staging more, and loved it overall. I'd much rather see Next to Normal win, though.

Billy Elliot has Best Choreography in the bag, for obvious reasons.

re: Unpopular Opinions You Hold
 May 19 2009, 06:57:12 PM
- As much as I liked Billy Elliot when I saw it in London, I think it's horrendously overrated. I think it's good, but not great.

- I have mixed views on the Tony Awards. I think that if you win a Tony, it's a huge honor, but if you lose or aren't nominated, that doesn't mean anything awful (unless there was a general consensus that the show was indeed awful). Take The Seagull - I missed it, unfortunately, but I heard it was excellent and Kristin Scott Thomas fantastic. But did that gar

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