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Profile for bobby_strong

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Member Name: bobby_strong
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re: Sweeney Todd in a HIGH SCHOOL?!
 Dec 14 2004, 04:48:29 PM
i love the international thespian festival in nebraska. I went to that festival three times and I can assure you that ive seen some good theatre there. I mean it is the best of the best so if they've got the talent, then they will be performing at the Lied Center on the Campus of Lincoln come June.

Who me sad?
 Oct 21 2004, 10:44:24 AM
1) The Yankees lost.

2) The Barees site is closing.

3) Damon sounds about as optimistic as I feel about Bare ever seeing life on a NYC stage any time soon.

Is it possible for all of this to happen at the same really? Cause I feel like Im dreaming. Im going to cry, watch d.creek, and nap. worst week ever.

Another Michael event?
 Oct 20 2004, 01:45:05 PM
Is that what u think my reference is? LOL That's not where I was going, so I wonder if my Nicole stole the riff from them! LOL

oh ummm. I know that. lol!

Hmmm....street corners....what an interesting thought!! LOL Anyone care to join me? :-P

p.s. count me in.

I'll be there!
working, or providing work for other?

Another Michael event?
 Oct 20 2004, 12:53:40 PM
And of course I made plans for tonight thinking there couldn't possibly be a game seven. Le sigh.

See now im torn because I would love to see boston be the first team to come back from 3 losses and then win. But really yankees lets try and actually play. huh how about that!

So yeah, Bare. How about it? Sooo good. Can I get a witness?

Can I get a witness? Uhhhhh Yeah yeah yeah yeah yea-ahhh

EXCELLENT! I looove BARE and i looooove grand funk rail

Another Michael event?
 Oct 19 2004, 09:11:00 PM
Glad that Twelfth Night went well Bobby! I hope there were pictures taken of your umm...big semi-nekkid scene. O_O

I dont know if we have actual pics, but didnt you see the one in my LJ of me topless. thats as close as youll get...for now!

I get the feeling that when we meet up in December that they're going to have to cart our bodies out of Joe's Pub in matching his and hers stretchers. :)

nah I know my limits and I am always the one taking care of the

Another Michael event?
 Oct 19 2004, 08:02:17 PM
wow! soo much I have missed. Twelfth Night has closed here at good ole MSU. It went pretty well, now I just have carousel and school work to focus on. wooooo!

As an attempt to get back on track...

I don't drink. You must have me confused with another anime loving Asian girl! :P
MOG, that is what I always say. haha!! I love it.

F**king Yankees. What the hell is going on here? And the game was over five hours long. Those are five hours I'm never getting

 Oct 10 2004, 12:32:50 AM
Welcome Galinda!

Welcome home Blue!!

p.s. i swear im not listening to the goofy movie soundtrack right now, at least aaron lohr is on it so its bare related.

 Oct 9 2004, 02:32:12 AM
nice to meet your face! oh wait. umm.

p.s. can the 2nd floor r.a. love me like i love them.

i am soo sober.

never. - the drunk family member

tonight i have dance rehearsal 3-6 then call for twelfth night at 6pm until like 12. never have i slept. im so sober.

i loooove you alllll.

 Oct 6 2004, 11:56:06 PM
Bare thread on ATC
 Oct 6 2004, 04:32:15 PM
break a leg Star at your auditions!

Bare thread on ATC
 Oct 5 2004, 12:32:16 PM
LOL Trisky! That is hilarious.

Way to make the drunk one proud.

- from the drunk one.

Bare thread on ATC
 Oct 5 2004, 11:39:59 AM
Aww. Everyone getting drunk without me?! I am the drunk of the family. This saddens me greatly. Not to mention I havent drank in a while since my show opens on thursday.

Well Im glad everyone had an excellent time, i am busy being sad and jealous about it.

Now off to the cafe and then to class.

Bare thread on ATC
 Oct 4 2004, 11:13:29 PM
Hi everyone! Its been a while. rehearsals after rehearsals im sure many of you know how it goes. Luckily we open thursday night so soon it will all be over. Then I can focus on only one show.

Oh well. Just wanted to say hi! Hope everyone is doing well. And sad I can not be there with everyone. But enjoy yourselves.

B.A.R.E.... THIS!
 Sep 30 2004, 11:52:33 PM
You know, I never thought this would happen. I was so excited and so thrilled to be spreading the word. I had no idea this would happen.

p.s. dont you worry after a looong day. I am no longer drunk just hungover and tired. I am going to watch sad movies and sleep. night all.

B.A.R.E.... THIS!
 Sep 30 2004, 05:46:37 PM
LOL! that is awesome thegasissilent!!!

I am so sad to hear this news. But good thing Michael Moore is speaking today in the auditorium at my university because all my theatre classes which happen to take place in the aud have been cancelled. Therefore my drunken friends and I have thought it appropriate to begin drinking at 10am.

What do you expect from the drunken family member.

But at least I have been okay to take this news. I have not over-reacted yet but wait un

B.A.R.E.... THIS!
 Sep 29 2004, 08:57:33 AM
Oh WDIN I think you should. They really are fun.

But alas, I just wanted to say MORNING BARE FAMILY!

I am off to calculus, wonderful.

Hope you all have an excellent day. =)

re: Who was or is a High School Thespian?
 Sep 26 2004, 05:21:29 PM
I am a thespian. Graduated high school in 2003. But I was a member all four years. Anyone compete in International Festival in Nebraska?

I was there in 2001 and 2003.

Also State Festival in Michigan all four years.

Troupe 1000, what what.

Bare relations
 Sep 26 2004, 03:22:34 AM

Sorry for the absence but amidst rehearsing two shows, homework, job hunting, and a social life...yeah too busy.

Love this idea of the APT. Count me in.

and i just hardcore sneezed. on that note I am off to bed.

Bare relations
 Sep 23 2004, 12:59:22 PM
I hope you're going Bobby_Strong. They're both AMAZING!!!

I wish. Between rehearsing for two shows, classes, finding a job, sleeping, and eating. I dont have more than 20 free minutes a day. =(

Bare relations
 Sep 23 2004, 12:51:30 PM
MOG! Ani difranco will be at the MSU auditorium this wednesday with Margaret Cho. Just to let you know lol you message reminded me of this.

Also this is the day after Michael Moore will be visiting. eh. I know someone who will want to come to this one. lol!

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