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Member Name: Samantha4
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re: Signature Theatre (Virginia) to mount Les Miserables
 Sep 16 2008, 11:34:27 AM
It's nice to see Sherri back at Signature where she worked her tail off for so many years. She is such a great talent and she will be a great Mme. Thenardier. Brava Sherri
re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 11 2008, 10:09:16 PM
I liked The Happy Time also. Peter Marks gave raves to Carrie Fisher's show and The Road to Mecca at Studio Theatre in the last two days, so he does give rave reviews when a show really deserves it.

Here is City Paper's Trey Graham's review of Ace. It's like all the other ACE reviews-the performances are good-the score OK but the songs start sounding the same-and a book that has too many subplots:

"Signature Theatre opened an expensive-looking new musical last week, with New Yo

re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 8 2008, 10:17:47 PM
Talkin' Broadway's Susan Berlin on ACE:

Ace, the new musical receiving its East Coast premiere at Signature Theatre in Arlington, Virginia, is obviously still a work in progress: the song list is in a state of flux, and apparently the title character used to have a lot more to do than he does now. Still, the piece has a lot of promise as well as some structural difficulties. (Start by changing the title to "In These Skies," after the song that serves as an anthem for the show.)

re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 5 2008, 04:42:03 PM
It's Eric Schaeffer, not Peter Marks, who should be embarrassed by the Glory Days disaster. At least Mr. Marks made the trip to NYC to review what he thought was a new and improved production of Glory Days, and what he saw was the same production with no changes that he saw in DC. That was real bright Eric. I know lots of people and critics here who don't like ACE. I know lots of theatre goers and subscribers who don't like the show for the same reasons Peter stated in his review. If Eric wants
re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 5 2008, 10:58:50 AM
I agree that the Post does matter greatly. I had five friends see Ace last night and they said people left at intermission, and there were many empty seats. How much is attributed to Peter's review, and what the future attendance will be - we'll have to wait and see. At least since Glory Days, I feel his reviews are better. He took the time to describe with specifics why he didn't like Ace. I agree with you that his review may and could influence investors, because, even though there are other w
re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 5 2008, 10:08:01 AM
Here is Missy Frederick's review of Ace..
re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 5 2008, 09:11:55 AM
Some good reviews are in today at:

The first two say the show needs some work before it considers going to NYC. The third is a rave, but is really one short paragraph comment, not really a review.

re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Sep 4 2008, 10:52:31 AM
Peter Marks was generous. The problem with Ace, besides the unexciting score and lyrics, is that it is so contrived. I can't put my finger on it except to say that I wanted to feel more. I wanted to cry and couldn't. I wanted to be uplifted, but nothing moved me. My father was a pilot and WWII vet. I thought seeing this show would put a lump in my throat, but it didn't. I drove down with my three kids from NYC because they all love reading books and seeing movies about aviation and space. I thou
re: The Official Ace Musical Thread
 Aug 28 2008, 07:08:36 AM
I was there last night too and I can't believe how boring this show was. The first act felt like it was 8 hours long. 5 people in my row left after 45 minutes. This production is all sets and no heart. The score is dull-28 insufferable songs and so many reprises that I wanted to scream. The lyrics were so infantile that the only way I could stay up was to keep popping M&Ms to get a sugar boost. Be prepared to catch up on your sleep - and prepared to hold your ears -Jill Paice's voice is like nai
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