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Member Name: nyc_chick02
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re: Donkey
 Oct 2 2008, 01:10:13 AM
you guys are going to see it how you want to see it. But judging by how they played Chester they had been planning this for awhile. Donkey was a big role in the movie and they didn't play Donkey that big in the play with publicity or anything, not even a costume (which i am dying to see what exactly he was wearing...) but he is no longer in the play and from what i have seen he is upset about it and just know it isn't always about the money...

re: Donkey
 Oct 2 2008, 12:40:49 AM
IT'S not about money, getting jobs work or whatever... He didn't get any respect and they just threw him out like it was wasn't right is all i am saying....
re: Donkey
 Oct 2 2008, 12:03:21 AM
producers...sorry my bad
 Oct 1 2008, 11:52:50 PM
Hey whats up everyone!?!

I was just wondering if anyone who went to the show has pictures of Chester in the Donkey costume could e-mail it to me

I want to see what he looked like while he was on the show....

re: Donkey
 Oct 1 2008, 11:39:31 PM
I can understand as to why you would say that....It's just that I feel that Chester Gregory is being disrespected by the Shrek cast. I'm sure he wasn't the only one but the way that they treated him wasn't right at all. They had no idea what to do with the role of Donkey because they didn't know if they wanted Donkey to be like Eddie Murphy, make him his own, focus on the music or the acting... Chester isn't the reason why he got knocked off. It's the direction that he wasn't given because they
re: Donkey
 Oct 1 2008, 11:25:04 PM
Hey everyone...

I know that the post of Chester Gregory in his Donkey costume got deleted but I was wondering if anyone could e-mail me pictures of him in costume because I would really like to see it:

legal or not I want to see them please.

I think that it is really messed up how they treated Chester Gregory. They never gave him any press or showed any photos of him in the Donkey costume at all when he went through 5 different costumes wh

Shrek and Little Dog Laughed in Seattle
 Sep 17 2008, 04:39:00 AM
NUMBER 1- Chester Gregory's material has changed the most out of everyone in the cast. Sutton and Sieber have had their same material for over a year now. When Gregory is performing he is given lines that he received that week, day or even night.

NUMBER 2- You must not know a single thing about Chester Gregory!!! He has a BA in Musical Theatre from Columbia College in Chicago. He has won awards for his performances: Jeff, AUDELCO, BTAA and Black Excellence Awards. HE IS AN ACTOR, HE I

re: Official Shrek The Musical Thread
 Sep 10 2008, 03:04:19 PM
I dont want to argue about this play or the actors in it but Im just saying is that I am a huge fan of Chester and from what I have seen they are just kind of tossing him to the side and not letting him be the amazing Chester that we all have seen in previous shows...They need to let him shine like they do the other characters, because Donkey took the movie away why not let Donkey be bigger in the play....
re: Official Shrek The Musical Thread
 Sep 9 2008, 06:07:29 PM
Im sure that it isn't Gregory's acting but the material...i mean like i said hes not suppose to STEAL the show its called SHREK not DONKEY..I mean the musical is written for Seiber not Gregory so how can he steal the show?? I mean look at his costume for goodness sake... they haven't even finalized it...
re: Official Shrek The Musical Thread
 Sep 9 2008, 03:51:52 AM
"Chester Gregory suffers from comparison to Eddie Murphy. While he can sing and dance, he simply is currently lacking in that extra spark which differentiates a Broadway star from national tour."

I'v seen a few reviews of Chester Gregory and they all say the same thing about Chester Gregory being compared to Eddie Murphy. I mean it is a hard role to portray because of how Eddie Murphy voiced that role. He brought life to that role. Of course he is going to have big shoes to fill. I have

re: Official Shrek The Musical Thread
 Sep 2 2008, 03:18:11 PM

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