Finally! A Documentary About The WORST Kind Of People on the Planet! Feb 17
2016, 08:00:53 PM
Finally! A Documentary About The WORST Kind Of People on the Planet! Feb 17
2016, 07:53:42 PM
Right. And Lea Michele was with her and robbed you, right? Stop making up stories to fit your agenda.
Cirque du Soleil's Feb 17
2016, 07:47:58 PM
KA has has a bigger cast and those tickets aren't near as expensive as O. Sure you could never take "O" on the road but neither could you take Le Reve and those tickets are half the price.
Finally! A Documentary About The WORST Kind Of People on the Planet! Feb 17
2016, 07:35:02 PM
^ fail
Cirque du Soleil's Feb 17
2016, 07:32:31 PM
You most certainly can not get them for as low as 100. Whatever page is telling you that is lying. "O" has never brought down their price. Not in years.
Finally! A Documentary About The WORST Kind Of People on the Planet! Feb 17
2016, 07:30:45 PM
Your passive aggressive anger is astounding!
Cirque du Soleil's Feb 17
2016, 07:08:07 PM
What I don't like is, You can't buy any tickets to "O" ahead of time. It always has to be on that day and there are never any good deals on "O" like the other cirque shows have. The lowest ticket price you can get is $220. And then you're in the way back and can't see half of the front stage. It's rediculous. Why is this show so expensive? I've seen clips of it and I see no reason as to why it has to be so expensive. I saw Le Reve ( the o
Cirque du Soleil's Feb 17
2016, 06:56:35 PM
Cirque du Soleil's "O" in Las Vegas? Feb 17
2016, 06:06:17 PM
Anyone here see it? Would you recommend it? The tickets are so expensive but the show has been there since 1998 and sells out every night so it can't be bad right? Is there any artistic value in this show or is it more like theme park entertainement with cool water tricks?
Sandy Duncan to join Finding Neverland Feb 17
2016, 01:12:33 PM
" you can tell it's just coming from butthurt emotion" Yes Glad we agree. And butthurt facebook posts are unprofessional when dealing with this kind of professional situation.
Sandy Duncan to join Finding Neverland Feb 17
2016, 12:15:50 PM
She has a professional team to make statements for her in a professional way. Her son is not employed by her and it just sounds like he is mad his mommy got kicked out of a role. Sure it makes him a good son but if Sandy wanted to say something, then why isn't she writing anything? The son's post is incredibly passively aggressive and borderline obnoxious. He had good points but you can tell it's just coming from butthurt emotion and not rational thinking.
Sandy Duncan to join Finding Neverland Feb 17
2016, 11:47:22 AM
I think things like what the son did usually tend to hurt more than help. Even if his heart was in the right place. He just sounds like sour grapes and Sandy Duncan doesn't need her son (of all people) whining on facebook for her. It's just unprofessional.
Sandy Duncan to join Finding Neverland Feb 17
2016, 11:32:36 AM
Jesus Christ. Her son needs to calm down. So basically Sandy was having trouble learning the part and wasn't ready and now her son is trying to start a revolution. lolz.
Sandy Duncan to join Finding Neverland Feb 17
2016, 11:13:46 AM
What does #notarobot mean? Also I hate when family members of actors do this passive aggressive stuff on facebook. .
Hedwig tour set for early October 2016 Feb 16
2016, 02:01:21 PM
It was announced on months ago. Daniel Radcliffe is playing Hedwig on tour.
Hamilton at the Grammy Awards Feb 16
2016, 12:52:35 AM
And yet the Grammy audience was scratching their heads at the Hamilton performance. As was basically everyone else watching from the tv. Fail.
Hamilton at the Grammy Awards Feb 15
2016, 09:53:57 PM
I'm sure Michael Riedel is laughing his ass of right now at that performance. lol
Ben Brantley Reviews Sheridan Smith in FUNNY GIRL Feb 15
2016, 09:51:46 PM
There's a reason Funny Girl has never been revived.
Hamilton at the Grammy Awards Feb 15
2016, 09:36:01 PM
Well that was boring. Out of all the great songs in Hamilton, they choose the prologue? Yikes. What a miss.
Wicked Movie Dream Cast Feb 12
2016, 10:56:52 AM
No reason to rush this. Having a Wicked film while the show is still running is just stupid.