
Cirque du Soleil's "O" in Las Vegas?

Cirque du Soleil's "O" in Las Vegas?

#1Cirque du Soleil's "O" in Las Vegas?
Posted: 2/17/16 at 6:06pm

Anyone here see it? Would you recommend it? The tickets are so expensive but the show has been there since 1998 and sells out every night so it can't be bad right? Is there any artistic value in this show or is it more like theme park entertainement with cool water tricks?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 6:37pm

Saw it years ago and it is one of the better Cirque efforts.

Poster Emeritus

#3Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 6:56pm


haterobics Profile Photo
#4Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:00pm

That and Love were my favorite shows on the strip. Not as into Zumanity or Ka. Skipped Criss Angel: Believe. And Mystere isn't aging as well. 


O is the show I always tell people to see, in addition to Love. More people see Love, though, because O tends to sell out if you wait too long...

#5Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:06pm

We saw it some years back (2013, I think?) and all enjoyed it.

#6Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:08pm

What I don't like is, You can't buy any tickets to "O" ahead of time. It always has to be on that day and there are never any good deals on "O" like the other cirque shows have.  The lowest ticket price you can get is $220. And then you're in the way back and can't see half of the front stage. It's rediculous. Why is this show so expensive? I've seen clips of it and I see no reason as to why it has to be so expensive. I saw Le Reve ( the other aquatic show) for $120 much much more affordable. What makes "O" more expensive than that show?Literally no other ticket for any of the cirque shows costs as much as "O". It's baffling.

Updated On: 2/17/16 at 07:08 PM

#7Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:19pm

Not sure where you're looking, but they have tickets on sale now through the end of the year and you can get them as low as $100.  For what it's worth, though, I found the show incredibly boring.  "Love" is definitely better.

#8Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:32pm

You most certainly can not get them for as low as 100. Whatever page is telling you that is lying. "O" has never brought down their price. Not in years. 

#9Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:38pm

Shrek3 said: "You most certainly can not get them for as low as 100. Whatever page is telling you that is lying. "O" has never brought down their price. Not in years. "


The "lying" page is the Cirque du Soleil page.  Run by Cirque du Soleil.  https://www.cirquedusoleil.com/o#loTSGWPSjHg2t45K.97

Though when I clicked through buying the level 4 seats (limited view), they were $107 and change with fees, so I *guess* that's "lying"?

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#10Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:40pm

It is expensive due to its large cast and backstage personnel needed to operate everything you see. Saw it very early in the run. The show could never tour due to its large cast and what the stage there is capable of doing.

Poster Emeritus

#11Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 7:47pm

KA has has a bigger cast and those tickets aren't near as expensive as O. Sure you could never take "O" on the road but neither could you take Le Reve and those tickets are half the price.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#12Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 8:16pm

What can I tell you. Life is tough. Why are "normal " Broadway tickets $ 150 or thereabouts while tickets to you know what are mind blowingly stratospheric. It is what it is

Poster Emeritus

#13Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/17/16 at 11:34pm

Shrek 3, I am going to Vegas in June.  I can honestly tell you, tickets are available to purchase in advance, cause I have one.  I am sitting in the second row of the middle 200 section.  My ticket with fees was $121. BTW, I also have a Le Reeve ticket and it was not half the price.  That ticket was $114.  My Jennifer Lopez ticket was $120.

Just_John Profile Photo
#14Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:05am

If you purchase tickets at the box office for O and pick up a free players card  in advance you can get the front row splash seats for about $120. I did not get one drop of water on me the entire show from these seats and the stage doesn't block anything.  Also, just in general if you go to the box office for any cirque shows the box office attendants will tell you the cheapest way to get seats if you ask, not that there are many options.  They have tix4today, which is their version of TKTS, and it is similar discounts.  I don't think O is ever there but you can get LOVE and ONE tickets there usually and each made me big fans of The Beatles and Michael Jackson.  I paid $140 at the booth for Love for second row tickets.  I would have preferred to be a little back because it is in the round and you can't see the entire stage at times but the acrobats on the other side are mimicking what you're seeing.  

#15Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:06am

Funny that a person who hasn't set foot in the theater thinks you can't see anything from half way back, whatever that means in this theaters unusual configuration.  Don't go see O. It's far too good for you. Go see Britney. Again, no doubt. 

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Just_John Profile Photo
#16Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:10am

I saw Britney Spears for free and want my money back.  Don't do it.  She is the least talented performer on this planet.  I can not listen to her music anymore since seeing her live.  

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#17Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:56am

I've seen Le Reve four times, and the most recent time I was first row. It could've just been that I was on the right aisle seat and the right time, but towards the end of the show my shirt was quite wet. I got a hoot out of it, but I'd wear something not too fancy, just in case. 

That said, I've seen 'O' three times, and while it's beautiful, it can be quite glacial in pace. Le Reve is much faster, sexier, with some great dancing mixed in, and a ridiculously expensive and awesome water/fire finale they installed last year. (Steve Wynn loves to keep his shows fresh.)

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

#18Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 1:17am

Tickets for "O" are also available in advance at bellagio.com. You can choose your seat. Years ago, I saw it twice. I thought it was unique and liked it a lot, although I've never been crazy about the comic/clown moments in Cirque shows. One time, I sat toward the front of the main floor, but not in the splash zone. The other time was more toward the back, in what were then the second highest price seats. (I don't know what their pricing is like now.) I thought the view was better from farther back, several rows behind the crossover aisle. It's a very large stage, and things are sometimes happening in different areas at the same time. I felt that I missed things when I sat closer. It's largely, but not entirely, a water show. The main part of the stage is sometimes a floor and sometimes a pool, and there are a number of non-aquatic acts.

tripelite Profile Photo
#19Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 2:03am

I just saw my 15th Cirque show.  My favorite is unquestionably "Ka" at the MGM in Vegas.  It's the only one with a real story, and it's dazzling.  "O" is a true crowd pleaser - I have never met anyone who did not enjoy it immensely, and there's nothing like it.  Both shows are massive and spectacular, and I think they warrant their high ticket price as much as a great Broadway show does.

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#20Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:07pm

Hands down, "O" has always been our absolute favorite of the Cirque shows since its premiere. Lots of elements that have become Cirque cliches in later shows (lost ballerina girls, sad unfunny clowns), but the wow moments are just sublime, some of the most moving moments of live theater we've ever seen. I'm also very partial to the score for this one, like some beautiful gypsy wedding festival-- at turns mournful and celebratory. (By comparison, we thought Reve was an absolute bore, a retread of everything that had first been done so much more effectively in "O".)

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#21Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:10pm

We enjoyed the original La Reve, Viva Elvis , Love &  as well as "O"

Poster Emeritus

#22Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 12:31pm

I've seen all the Cirque shows on the strip except for Mystere, and O is my favorite. Although, I've found in talking to many Cirque fans that the first show of theirs you see tends to be your favorite; O was mine. It's also my favorite score. There is absolutely artistic value in it, as I think there are in almost every Cirque show (Criss Angel Believe being the exception), and there's also a reason it sells so well after so many years.


And for what it's worth, they do run specials for it sometimes in the off-season. I saw it in early March of 2010, and we were able to get BOGO tickets in the mid-orchestra. Right now, they are offering 15% off O tickets for certain performances. Check the Cirque website.

best12bars Profile Photo
#23Cirque du Soleil's
Posted: 2/18/16 at 2:45pm

Jesus, Shrek3, you call someone a liar who then points you to an official website with the prices, plus another poster who has advance tix for mid-orchestra at $121 ... and no apology for being utterly wrong not to mention an ass about it?

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