Sondheim on Sondheim at the Hollywood Bowl Jul 24
2017, 04:27:54 PM
Yes, Groff was great. Or is the Bowl too large of a venue for a show like this? Or possibly I'm not a raving Sondheim fan. All the songs sounded alike and sort of 'thin' as others have mentioned.
Truly amazing how rude the audience can be -- lots of people facebooking or checking their phones during the show. Rude to fellow audience members and to the performers even if they can't see you.
Hillary Fundraiser Show Available? Oct 21
2016, 03:59:22 PM
I watched and loved Monday's live streaming of the Hillary benefit.
Is it available to watch again or buy (as a donation)? Thanks!
Broadway Podcasts? Aug 2
2016, 12:50:44 AM
I recently discovered and am loving 'Behind The Curtain'. The hosts are very enthusiastic and entertaining. I always have homework after and have a list of YouTube videos they've suggested or mentioned which I need to watch. Wish I had more time to get caught up and listen to all their shows.
Ham Lotto Winning Stories May 17
2016, 10:37:20 AM
I was in NY for work for about 10 weeks starting mid-February. I entered the digital lottery almost every day. Sometimes for two tickets, sometimes for one.
Like every other day, I entered the digital lottery Friday morning, the day before I was flying home. I didn't even think about it during the day and instead had decided to go to a classical concert instead for my last night in NY.
I truly had forgotten that Hamilton was still a possibility that night, but when I opened
Dido and Aeneas tonight.... Apr 30
2016, 09:20:56 AM
I loved this! The music, the chorus, the dancers and of course the leads’ voices were great. I couldn’t understand most of what they said, but it didn’t matter. I’m glad I saw this.
The Humans - Rush/Limited View Apr 30
2016, 09:13:00 AM
I 'rushed' successfully and easily two Saturdays ago. Arrived at the box office at about 10:05 - it opened at 10:00. Waited in line about five minutes.
The evening show had just sold out of rush tickets but I bought a single $30 rush ticket for the matinee. It was in the front row -- which might be where all the rush seats are. You definitely will be looking up the whole time and might miss some action on the top floor (but since I don't know what I missed, I didn't min
Dido and Aeneas tonight.... Apr 29
2016, 02:18:12 PM
Smart idea to read the synopses. And I am glad to hear they are costumes and dancing. Amazing what they do for just a two night event. (I guess I'm a bit of a philistine because the ninety-minute running time is also a plus vs. three hours at La Boheme.)
Now I'm really looking forward to it.
Thanks for the comments!
Dido and Aeneas tonight.... Apr 29
2016, 01:57:35 PM
I know nothing about opera but love this cast. I'm in NY for another week -- should I see this or La Boheme?
I watched a clip of and I'm worried I might need subtitles. (Yes -- English is my native language.)
Any thoughts?