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Profile for brdwayjunkie1391

Member Name: brdwayjunkie1391
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TodayTix Discount Code!
 Jul 1 2016, 12:54:16 PM

If interested use LJCFN for $10 off your order!!! 

Which Hamilton performances will be Filmed?
 Jun 27 2016, 03:48:47 AM

My friend is attending Tuesday's show and I'm having a hard time containing my jealousy! How lucky are the people with tickets for the 28th that they unexpectedly get to see the entire OBC? 

Broadway in Chicago Season Tickets - Hamilton
 Jun 21 2016, 08:04:02 PM

Hellob said: "LMM's periscope today really has me curious about the cast! 



Same, but with Seller's claim that he doesn't like star/stunt casting I'm not expecting it to be anyone major. Perhaps some lesser known theater stars Lin as worked with in the past? 


Got my tickets for Chicago on Oct 1! It was a nightmare but eventually got through. I will be seeing the Chicago show before seeing it on on B

Leslie Odom Jr Leaving Hamilton
 Jun 19 2016, 04:02:08 PM

It is hard for creative people to be doing the same thing over and over again for years. They all deserve a break and I don't think Leslie's main goal is money. I have a feeling that he really wants to focus on his music and that he doesn't have anything "big" immediately lined up after July 9. He has a concert in my area in July that I am going to, so hopefully he'll sing a song or two from Hamilton since I'll be missing him on the Hamil

Leslie Odom Jr Leaving Hamilton
 Jun 19 2016, 03:06:47 PM

The general consensus was that the majority, if not all, would be leaving. I fully expect Daveed, Chris, and Renee's announcements to follow shortly. 

There was always that chance some would stay, but the Hamilton producers don't really have much incentive to pay to keep them. 

Leslie Odom Jr Leaving Hamilton
 Jun 19 2016, 02:55:38 PM

Hopefully they'll work that out! 

I can handle not having Groff, but I'm not sure about not having Leslie. 

It will be interesting to see who his replacement will be. 

Leslie Odom Jr Leaving Hamilton
 Jun 19 2016, 02:45:40 PM

I was assuming that they were going to film two of the shows before July 9 and then compile them to make the OBC film. I'm hoping this is some miscommunication because you can't call it a Hamilton OBC film and then not have the original Aaron Burr in it. This film is all that is keeping me from selling my December tickets and spending my entire paycheck on a ticket to see Leslie! I really want to see his Burr whether it's live or recorded. 

Leslie Odom Jr Leaving Hamilton
 Jun 19 2016, 02:18:13 PM

Leslie held a facebook live this morning and announced he is leaving on July 9. 

Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
 Jun 17 2016, 12:53:49 PM

MannPhan24601 said: "Alexander Lamar said: "brdwayjunkie1391 said: "I've noticed a few Leslie concerts coming up in the Bay well as one with Daveed in Philly in August. 


When/where is the Philly concert?


Looking for this and can't find it I would  like to know too since I'm in the area.I know Leslie's performing at the big 4th of July concert on the parkway but I can't find anything on a show with Daveed in August
I'm sorry - I dont know why I said Philly. It is in New York. 

But for those in/around the area it's at Guild Hall on August 20. Here is the link!

I usually never do this, but I've listened to the Hamilton cast recording basically non-stop over the past few months even though I've never seen the show. It has definitely molded me into not being able to see anyone but Daveed as Lafayette/TJ. As herewegoabc said, what Daveed brings to his roles is something only he can do, but I'm sure his replacement will be great as well...just different.  Logically, I know the show will be amazing with or without the leads when I see it in December. I just put something in my head that more than likely won't be lived out when I see it on stage.


Will any of the original Principals be in Hamilton after July 9th?
 Jun 16 2016, 01:20:42 AM

I've noticed a few Leslie concerts coming up in the Bay Area the first being on July that may be a sign that he's not planning on extending for much longer. He also has some in Nov. here, as well as one with Daveed in Philly in August. 

IMO Leslie and Daveed's roles will be the hardest to replace. They are both just so damn good. I have tickets for December so I'm already preparing myself for not getting to see any of the major original cast members. <

Hamilton Cancellation Line
 Jun 14 2016, 09:23:47 PM

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