Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 29
2009, 09:54:43 PM
ok, i work at a management place, and on breakdowns today it said bye bye birdie, casted by jim carnahan is seeking submissions for "kim" and "conrad." ages 15-22. it didn't say kim/conrad understudies either, so they're still looking... yep. a friend of mine went to the dance callbacks. she said a lot of the kids there were already cast in the show from the workshop. they were just at the dance audition...for some reason? she doesn't know if she made it or not because of the new pe
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 10
2009, 05:26:42 PM
you don't HAVE to believe it, but that's what the email said. he was in spring awakening and at those auditions they typed people out as well, and a lot of the girls there were only 13. so...he plays young well. so does the girl playing kim. it's ok if you don't believe it, but that's what the official email said.
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 9
2009, 12:59:38 AM
yea...that's cool though that we know officially what's going on abrams is like a really strong agency isn't it? do they like let you go out on auditions sometimes too?
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 9
2009, 12:10:35 AM
:) yea. the girl i know is an intern too. hah.
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 8
2009, 11:56:31 PM
not sure...that's just what it said in the email. they WERE looking for ppl ages she probably plays young very well. she also might have a very great agent. i mean it wasn't like a personal email like "hey how are you" it was an appointment email and like just had info about the show at the end, and part of the info was the two cast teen parts. sorry, that's all the info i know...i mean, take it with a grain of salt if you want since this is the internet. but it was an email from a cas
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 8
2009, 11:09:38 PM
NEW FLASH: THIS IS OFFICIAL!!! Meredith Hagner is playing Kim Matt Doyle is playing Hugo this is truth, i swear. a friend of mine was emailed about an audition and in the email with her appointment time it said at the end: the contact info of the company, then cast: Kim - Meredith Hagner, Hugo- Matt Doyle. i'm guessing it's the matt doyle from spring awakening? that's it. no other roles were listed on the cast list for teens except those two. she's going for an urs
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 8
2009, 12:42:12 PM
no teen roles are cast yet. look at the adult principle roles are casted. JOHN STAMOS is albert!!!!!!!!!! so see, there's still hope for all of us!! OMG i'm so excited!!
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 8
2009, 11:07:04 AM
ok guys, we can get to the bottom of this. lol. if we try to see WHO was calledback, like their type. if they were all white/kim/urusla/hugo looking characters, then they're probably still going to have callbacks for the ensemble. because we all know roundabout was very adamant about having a diversified cast. especially on their phone message they really wanted people of all ethnicities to attend the call. that's just another helping guide i suppose...unless they decided to go in a TOTALLY
Bye Bye Birdie Audition Apr 5
2009, 03:46:57 AM
that's amazing that your friend got a callback! was your friend from the New York area? or an out-of-towner? Most people i saw who got callbacks were from out of town. i was also at the audition. did anyone hear of people from local new york getting handed callback sheets? thanks!