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Member Name: stagemama2
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Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 May 5 2009, 11:39:16 AM
The last callback for everyone was yesterday. While I thought that two auditions were going on at one time, it was actually three. People we havent seen before on any of the other callbacks were there. It was easy to make out that some of the people were older than the group from last Monday. Conrads were there, Hugos, Kims and Ursulas, ending with little boys as we were leaving.
All the creatives were there. So everybody in ensemble meets up together, which turns out to be twenty fiv

Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 May 1 2009, 06:40:15 AM
My son has a fourth callback on Monday, for which I understand is the final callback. It's an all day affair, ending with a mix and match session, which lets me know that by the time these kids leave, creatives would have made some sort of casting decision. Like I stated earlier, the kids I saw this past Monday were incredible. I am absolutely floored that my son is apparently in the same group. I wish everyone the best!
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 28 2009, 09:03:14 AM
So heres the deal. At the callback yesterday, noticed that the kids were considerably younger than at the original audition. Most of the kids from '13' were there and kids from another Broadway show my son did were there also. I was told by a parent that his son and most of the boys went in on the agents call on March 30, had their first callback on 23, and this was their second call back on the 27. Apparently, they'd been running two separate sets of auditions all along.
The boys did

Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 25 2009, 09:06:43 AM
noahrp3- No, my son read for Hugo and sang again on the 20th, like he did on the 5th. The only other time he danced was the initial equity dancers call on the 29th of March. This has been a long process for this play. Even if he doesnt get whatever theyre trying him out for, we are honored to have made it this far into consideration. It's awesome! "Break A Leg!", to anyone else out there who has made it this far!
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 24 2009, 01:48:48 PM
Here we go again! Guess were getting down the wire. My son has a third callback, but this time to dance. So there are callbacks for dancers on Monday, the 27th. Still no guarantee for a role though, just a little closer...
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 23 2009, 03:45:37 PM
bwayboy07- My son had a second callback on April 20. I think all the boys at that callback had danced already. But hey, you never know- they may still callback for dancers. During his first callback, they told him they'd see him in a couple of weeks, so we knew walking out the doorthat he had a second callback coming. Unfortunately. he was not told that this time, so now we're waiting, but hey- its acting! The only thing you ever know for sure is that you sign a contract to perform. Like I
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 22 2009, 03:26:33 PM
bwayboy07- My son was at the same call as you on March 29, only he is Equity. Like you, he got a call back on April 5, but it was for the role of Hugo. My thought is that Hugo, Kim and Ursula are already cast and they will choose the ensemble from all these Hugo, Ursula and Kim auditions, which are really just to see if auditioners can act and sing. Afterall, why else would they have the Hugos sing? If memory serves me correctly, Hugo DOESNT sing in the play... Does anybody else remember if
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 21 2009, 08:54:28 AM
This is to taintedxl0ve. There is no logic... But there is logic to why they sometimes cast young adults to play teenagers. Young adults dont need tutors or wranglers and are more mature and less likely to bring troublesome stagemoms around. This saves producers a truckload of money and peace of mind. In case your not aware of this, they sometimes do the same with younger kids roles and teenagers. Some of the kids in 13 the Musical were older than thirteen and the boys in Billy Elliot are o
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 21 2009, 08:40:38 AM
For those of you new to the business, "Welcome". One of the fist things you notice, is that casting people rarely contact you if you didnt 'get the part'. If you dont hear in a week or two for something, you just have to assume, youre not getting a callback or didnt book the role. I would like to share our timeline with you. March 29 audition, April 5 callback, April 20 callback. Are we excited? Yes! But we are still level headed. It's acting! You never know what casting people think or w
Bye Bye Birdie Audition
 Apr 11 2009, 02:07:25 PM
I have a teenage son with a Broadway credit already. He auditioned at the dancers call on March 29 and we got a phone call from his agent a couple of days later with a side/script callback on April 5th for Hugo. He sang and read on the call back and was told that he'd be seen again in a couple of weeks. So, like always, we walked out an didnt look back. No, we havent heard anything yet and if we never do, so what? Here's my point- It sounds good, but you never know! This is acting! It's 'o
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