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Member Name: houselightsout
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re: Does Reasons To Be Pretty have an identity chrisis?
 Jun 2 2009, 08:20:41 AM
Comedy? Really?
re: Award for 3 Billys Unfair
 May 12 2009, 08:12:07 AM
Then I guess there's no point in continuing the debate, because it's very unlikely we'll ever agree.

I wish I thought Billy Elliot was as moving as so many others seem to think it is, but I felt manipulated by overproduction and the very weak score undermines what could have been an emotional powerhouse of a show. The Billy I saw, Kiril Kulisch, was wonderful as a dancer, but was his the best performance of the year? Not in my opinion. I loved J. Robert Spencer's portrayal of a man who'

re: Award for 3 Billys Unfair
 May 11 2009, 09:41:57 PM
The Billys do more than the lead in Shrek? Seriously? Because what...they dance?

Okaaaay. And there seems to be some belief that the boys are more deserving because they're young. Don't younger actors have more energy? More flexibility? More stamina? So where's the miracle that they can last two shows per week in a dance role?

re: My Thoughts on Next to Normal 5/10
 May 11 2009, 05:27:45 PM
I had a completely different reaction. I thought the show was wildly original and I thought it was very successful in achieving its goals. The initial exposition was tough going, I thought, but once we reached I Miss the Mountains the show seemed to fly by.

I'm sorry you thought a lot of the scenes fell flat. I found them nearly riveting. Just as you can't explain why they didn't work for you, it's hard to explain why they did work for me. All the actors just seemed so invested and alth

re: Award for 3 Billys Unfair
 May 11 2009, 01:52:10 PM
If it's about how the boys feel in not being nominated when another one is, it's interesting that they didn't take that into account when nominating the actor playing Michael.

I believe it's worse than simply unfair to nominate these three boys - it's ludicrous. They don't all give the same performance, so to judge them all equally against each of the other four nominees is absurd.

What I keep reading is that they have more stage time and it's a very difficult role. Well, Bria

re: Bitch about the 2009 Tony nominations here !
 May 6 2009, 08:46:24 AM
I did see Billy Elliot and what bothers me a great deal about how everyone fawns over it is that it could have been the great show I keep reading it is but the director never trusted his initial work to get to that point.

Time after time in that show a poignant moment is hammered home, or a simple moment is made too big. Examples: Billy and Michael sing Express Yourself and do a nice dance together...then they have to bring down a mylar curtain and giant dancing outfits on clothes hange

re: Bitch about the 2009 Tony nominations here !
 May 5 2009, 10:01:33 PM
Add me to the group of people completely frustrated over the lack of recognition for 9 to 5. I don't understand at all the people who think it was totally undeserving. It was a fast-paced and very funny book, with songs that developed character and moved the plot forward and great, high-energy performances. The only thing I didn't like about the show was the choreography - which got a nomination!

Daniel Radcliffe was unfairly overlooked as well, I thought. His performance in Equus was r

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