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re: Tony Parties
 Jun 7 2007, 04:54:25 PM
Thanks for all the help -- I do think saying things like "I *would* invite you to mine, but..." is quite unhelpful. I would be just as cautious in accepting an invitation to your private party as you would be in inviting me.

Thanks to those who were genuinely helpful in their answers.

Tony Parties
 Jun 3 2007, 10:11:30 AM
I just moved to Pittsburgh two weeks ago and have no friends up here. Do you have any tips on finding Tony parties or bars that might be showing the Tonys? Or do you know of anything around here? It's so much more fun with good company... I also posted on the PA message board, but it doesn't look like that one is very active. Thanks for the tips.
re: Hunter Foster Responds to Urinetown Mess!
 Nov 19 2006, 09:13:21 PM
How do you account for all the Henry Higginses doing the Rex-talk in regional "My Fair Lady" productions around the world? No, Rex wasn't one of the show's creators, but being an original, doesn't it somewhat come with the territory that the original will be viewed as a model for all consequent productions? I myself am always slightly disappointed to hear "I'm an Ordinary Man" being sung, not spoken...
re: Why isn't Sweeney extending?
 Aug 27 2006, 03:05:22 AM
There's so much magic with the current ensemble -- do you think the producers wanted to avoid replacing some members (ex. we know Alexander is definitely leaving soon for the next Gig) and thus altering the delicate balance? By no means am I saying it impossible that worthy replacements could be found!
re: Question about writing musicals-
 Jun 12 2006, 10:09:47 PM
If you're using this as an excercise, it wouldn't be a "waste of time" even if you can't, due to copyright restrictions, get it further produced. No writing is ever a waste if you're a serious composer. I think the attitude of writing for art vs. writing to sell is what separates someone like Sondheim from Lloyd Webber any day of the week... I guess it just depends on what category YOU'D like to fall under.
re: The Art of the Revival
 May 2 2006, 12:39:49 AM
I suppose there is a very fine line of what are acceptable changes to a show, but couldn't there be implications of certain things (such as Annie's waking from a dream) -- not implicit changes to the script that would still be allowed? That is more the idea I was going for, no new scenes or songs, but perhaps new ideas through staging or casting. I saw a female in the role of the Emcee in "Cabaret" which was fabulous.
The Art of the Revival
 May 1 2006, 11:46:49 PM
It's easier said than done... the "South Pacific" thread (where many pined for a revival) has brought me to the conclusion that more Broadway revivals need to be conceived with a purpose. Obviously shows are revived to recapture the original and recreate for new generations. But I don't understand reviving "Oklahoma!", "The Music Man", "Annie", "A Chorus Line" etc. on Broadway without someone's passion to give it a new twist. Productions of such shows are produced everyday in mediocre regiona
the overtures they are a-changin'
 Mar 28 2006, 06:45:38 PM
Why is it that many revivals tend to alter the overture (and sometimes major orchestrations)? Aside from key changes for stars... just to spice it up? I heard a "King and I" overture on the radio today and was really shocked at how different it was (I think it was the godawful animated version)

Any big reasons though why some medleys completely change their song selection?

theatre journals
 Oct 18 2005, 04:13:07 PM
Any favorites? I like the Sondheim Review but don't know what else there is out there...
goulet's contract
 May 13 2005, 09:12:34 AM
sorry if this has been previously discussed -- anyone know how long monsieur goulet is planning on staying with la cage? i'd die to see him but won't be in the city until sept! (:
re: diana morrison
 Feb 5 2005, 08:15:46 PM
does anybody know?
diana morrison
 Feb 3 2005, 01:13:45 AM
(from "Aspects of Love" and "Jeeves") Whatever happened to her? Was there ever a story about her? I always wondered why on earth she was cast except that maybe she had a connection with ALW...
scenework: good ideas??
 Oct 31 2004, 01:59:31 AM
Hi! I am presenting a workshop for a university and would like to do a few screwball comedy scenes (man and woman) but am having a hard time coming up with plays... my initial ideas were of the likes of 'Bringing up Baby' and 'It Happened One Night', but those are of course movies (:

Anybody have any genius ideas??? I'm rather ignorant when it comes to plays... know my musicals though (: Thanks.

acting class warmups
 Oct 24 2004, 02:41:01 AM
Hi! I'm in charge of an acting class at my university and am running out of class warmups (approximately 20 students). Anybody have any good, creative ideas? Games that get the blood pumping and the mind focusing and concentrating are always good. Thanks so much (:
re: workshops
 Oct 18 2004, 03:33:34 AM
Another thing I was thinking: they have to have some sort of narrator or hand-out to set the scene, letting the audience know what the heck is going on, right? Surely more of you out there have some interesting workshop stories that you aren't sharing!!! We're all curious (:
Thoroughly Modern Millie / Hairspray KARAOKE CD
 Oct 18 2004, 03:25:00 AM
Anybody bought it? It's been out for a while from MMO; the song samples (especially everyone's beloved "Gimme Gimme") sounded pretty electronic. Is it worth the $29.95?
 Oct 17 2004, 01:02:53 PM
I have always wondered exactly what goes on during a NYC musical workshop since I've never been fortunate enough to attend one. I've always envisioned a bunch of talent sitting together in a room and just reading and singing the score of a show for a group of invited critics/audience members. Probably to piano accompaniment, with no choreography.

How close am I? What workshops have you all attended and how closely do they reflect the final product that you see in a frozen show?

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