
Posted: 5/26/12 at 4:54pm

"DefyGravity777, lol, I hope you are exaggerating and didn't really feel that bad during the show!"

Not exaggerating at all. If I wouldn't have been on my motion sickness meds from my bus ride in to the city I wouldn't have made it through the opening number.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

SNAFU Profile Photo
Posted: 5/26/12 at 5:27pm

Heck, I don't suffer from motion sickess but got nauseous during the show!

ETA: Jane my post was not meant as a slight to you but a pet peeve of mine when I watch films concerning NYC. I tend to notice the geography. Since this "specticle" tries to give us the film on stage, I felt it deserves the same criticism that a film would deserve.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
Updated On: 5/28/12 at 05:27 PM
