
Elton John's Rocket Pictures to Create JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Animated Film- Page 2

Elton John's Rocket Pictures to Create JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Animated Film

#25Elton John's Rocket Pictures to Create JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Animated Film
Posted: 2/7/14 at 7:44am

Joseph could work as animated film, wonder if ALW and Tim Rice will write a new song, for the last London revival, they added a new song called King of My Heart so its possible but they may just leave it in its current form,

CG animation has improved a lot, the plastic look of CG humans is something that will improve, you compare Elsa and Anna in Frozen to Andy in Toy Story or Fiona in Shrek, you can see how different they are. A film using Papermans technology is a long way off,

#26Elton John's Rocket Pictures to Create JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Animated Film
Posted: 2/7/14 at 9:57pm

"Guys, let's not lean too heavily on Dave19's thoughts. He's also the guy who thinks Les Mis would have been better if it sounded like the stage version rather than adapting for film."

First of all, because you don't agree with one opinion of a person, you have to disagree with all the opinions of the person? Are you 6 years old?

And second, that is not my opinion. It actually is the fact that Hugh Jackman sounds way to stage-like with his huge, loud vibrato, compared to the stage Valjeans who give an almost whispered, very film-like performance (John Owen Jones, as you can hear in the clip). So what is your opinion exactly?

#27Elton John's Rocket Pictures to Create JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT Animated Film
Posted: 2/8/14 at 12:15am

Pharoah was ALWAYS an Elvis tribute - from the very first incarnation (pre-Jesus Christ Superstar). On the first recording (early 1970's), Tim Rice sings the role.
