
MY FAIR LADY 60th Anniversary Production?- Page 2

MY FAIR LADY 60th Anniversary Production?

Fantod Profile Photo
#25We're Not Allowed To Discuss MY FAIR LADY?
Posted: 3/9/15 at 4:31am

I also saw that production at the SF playhouse and I didn't like it as much as you did. However, I agree that a younger Higgins is viable. I also think a Higgins who sings the songs instead of talking through them would be nice, though really nobody beats Rex Harrison in the role. I do, however, think it is absolutely necessary for Eliza to be young. Part of her appeal is the sort of freshness in the character. That isn't as necessary in Pygmalion, but it is in My Fair Lady. I remember one poster who shall remain unnamed suggested Audra McDonald for the role. I still laugh when I think of how terrible that would be.

firebolts Profile Photo
#25We're Not Allowed To Discuss MY FAIR LADY?
Posted: 3/9/15 at 7:22pm

I would love a film remake of it for its anniversary. I think Gugu Mbatha-Raw would be such a perfect Eliza; she sang in the film "Beyond the Lights," and she did a wonderful job. English, classically trained actor (could pull off both versions of Eliza), and a good singer. Check, check, and check! And she is gorgeous!

Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

#26We're Not Allowed To Discuss MY FAIR LADY?
Posted: 3/10/15 at 12:29am

hi fantod

so you must be bay area too

you might have caught an off night

I actually saw the SF playhouse version three times and each show was terrific
and i believe the liza won the bay area award for best female performance and best musical

Fantod Profile Photo
#27We're Not Allowed To Discuss MY FAIR LADY?
Posted: 3/10/15 at 1:01am

I thought that the performances were all pretty good, but the show just didn't work for me in an intimate setting. Part of the joy of My Fair Lady is the feast for the eyes that comes with it, along with the score being played by a huge orchestra. The show still stood up, and it was still delightful as all productions of My Fair Lady are, but the production itself wasn't as good for me.

#28We're Not Allowed To Discuss MY FAIR LADY?
Posted: 3/10/15 at 1:44am

Did anyone see the beautiful production at the Ashland Shakespeare Festival a few years ago? 2 grand pianos and a cast of maybe 16 at the most. It wasn't bare bones, but it was Brechtian in that we saw the stagecraft and the costume changes. The cast sang the instrument parts to the overture on La-s and Ah-s. It was thrilling to hear. During the ball they flew in a bunch of hats, which the ensemble unhooked and wore in the scene. Some great theatricality- and a great performance by Anthony Heald as Alfie Doolittle.
