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Out of the following musicals which would you see?- Page 2

Out of the following musicals which would you see?

#25re: Out of the following musicals which would you see?
Posted: 9/3/05 at 3:01pm

I'd shy away from AVENUE Q: You wouldn't want gramma to have a corranary in the theatre - how about WICKED!? what Gramma wouldn't love Wicked?

#26re: Out of the following musicals which would you see?
Posted: 9/3/05 at 3:08pm


Or Chicago.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#27re: Out of the following musicals which would you see?
Posted: 9/3/05 at 3:29pm

Piazza...definitely Piazza! I think I'm seeing it again next week.
Updated On: 9/3/05 at 03:29 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#28re: Out of the following musicals which would you see?
Posted: 9/3/05 at 4:21pm

I would say Sweet Charity (Which I loved) or Piazza (Which I have not seen but have heard good things about). DRS was good but a bit raunchy. And for me not the most memorable show except for a few of the performances. Haven't seen Q but won't only because I have tried to like the OBCR and just don't. Spelling Bee might be fun. I have not laughed that much at the theatre in a long time. Chicago was good also. And if she has seen the movie, she should probably enjoy the stage show. JMO

Just give the world Love.

#29re: Out of the following musicals which would you see?
Posted: 9/3/05 at 5:54pm

Chicago, then Spelling Bee
