
Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???- Page 2

Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???

#25re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:33pm

Someone told me from an Idina board.

mominator Profile Photo
#26re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:34pm

BSo, when? Oh heavens if it is the show I am at I will have to hurt some of them!

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

#27re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:41pm

here is a topic from a message board where they say when they're going... go and see if you need a knife.


most of them are saying, "i wish i could fly to ny!" to the ones who are. you're 14, please, stop.

EDIT: Oh, I'm going tonight at 7pm! It's a school night, so there shouldn't be too many little girls there.
Updated On: 10/16/05 at 01:41 PM

#28re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:42pm

mom - I don't think you are going when I am...

Marlene Profile Photo
#29re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:51pm

When are they all going? Is it SB? I feel the need to watch it again from a different side of the stage and I rather not attempt to get rush on that day...there always seems to be ticket drama with them, and I rather not deprive one of them tickets. Hrrrrm...but maybe they'll worship her arms with mr, right?

Are they really that bad? There were one or two people that came with Rent and Wicked shirts, but no one was really obxious, nor did anyone feel the need to scream, hoot, or holler. Idina makes me a spacey, sort of happy, that isn't loud...so please put the ax down. Remember everytime you physically hurt an rabid Idina fan, a little kitty dies. So for the sake of the little kitties in the world...deal with it.

#30re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:52pm

Yes, SB.

mominator Profile Photo
#31re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:58pm

Oh dear heavens they are at the show I will be at. May be a tranquilizer dart may be in order?

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

Marlene Profile Photo
#32re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 1:59pm

Um...would you like a hug? Maybe they'll actually listen to their group leader this time...
Updated On: 10/16/05 at 01:59 PM

#33re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:00pm

Mom - just remember -

Killing isn't illegal. Murder is. And it's only murder if someone sees it.

mominator Profile Photo
#34re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:02pm

Hey I am just talking about putting them to sleep for a bit

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#35re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:02pm

That thread was incredibly annoying.

(not THIS one, the one that was linked to)

I'm still excited. Folks under the age of 16 are not going to ruin this for me. I will hit them.

I'm a real idiot. I've had a trip planned to nyc for 11/10-11/13 since August or so...definately prior to See What I Wanna See being announced. I thought the 10th was Veterans day...which it is not. SO, my college is open that day and I have to skip classes to get there on time...something I feel incredibly guilty about doing!

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

#36re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:03pm

Well, at least I can see it more than once...

Marlene Profile Photo
#37re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:06pm

I can see the headlines "Downtown--Angry theater goers assaulting saccharine preteens"
Updated On: 10/16/05 at 02:06 PM

mominator Profile Photo
#38re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:07pm

.... and no one cared!"

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

kasim Profile Photo
#39re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:09pm

well i am a screaming idina fan :)

I'll be there on November 18th :)


#40re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:09pm


I'm waiting for:

"Downtown--Angry Star of 'See What I Wanna See' Assaults Saccharine Preteens...and Everyone Clapped"
Updated On: 10/16/05 at 02:09 PM

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#41re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:10pm

^^^ ^^^
made me laugh

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

Marlene Profile Photo
#43re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:14pm

Hey, she's got killer instinct in her. re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days??? (Darn, why don't I recall that really good line from the show) But aren't most SB-ers older? I always thought it was more so the high school and college crowd that actually went to all of these non Wicked events on SB, and not the individuals that a good part of you loathe.

SWIWS, just doesn't give you anytime to scream for Idina, with very few exceptions. You can save your energy for a standing O at the end.

[edit] Please explain the picture.... Updated On: 10/16/05 at 02:14 PM

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#44re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:15pm

is that idina?

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

#45re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:15pm

ya mon

mominator Profile Photo
#46re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:17pm

kasim, as long as you sit down, be quiet , watch the show, and know how to behave you will be fine. Just realize that this is NOT RENT or Wicked. This is someting way different and far more mature.

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

Marlene Profile Photo
#47re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:17pm

When was this? Who's on the floor?

#48re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 2:19pm

Not Idina, it's an imitator and a KC imitator.
Updated On: 10/16/05 at 02:19 PM

kasim Profile Photo
#49re: Is Idina Signing Autographs These Days???
Posted: 10/16/05 at 3:41pm


yeah i know :) i didnt yell in rent or wicked either though.
Well i clapped loud at the end ... just with everyone saying they are gonna smack someone who's gonna yell i wanted to see which one wanted to try and smack me :) (course if SHE's cute i might like it )
