
GHETTO VON TUSSLE; or, Haylie duffs Hairspray and other assorted notes..- Page 2

GHETTO VON TUSSLE; or, Haylie duffs Hairspray and other assorted notes..

#25re: Haylie duffs Hairspray and other assorted notes..
Posted: 7/29/06 at 12:33pm

maybe she learned how to do that from sho-bean

Go2The80's-radness Profile Photo
#26re: Haylie duffs Hairspray and other assorted notes..
Posted: 7/29/06 at 1:08pm

Dear Hairspray casting dept.,
What the *$@# where you thinking casting Haylie Duff.
I used to love this show, but now I have some major mixed feelings. Please bring back any of the old Ambers, Laura Bell Bundy, Becky Gulsvig, anyone please I'm begging. And dont even think about casting Hilary.
A really p.o'ed fan.

Hey Homie-G Dont make me *b.y.b Or else I'll just be me And You will see that you will flee -That is Me and one of my best friend Mandi's hit song "Homie-G" *b.y.b means bust your butt*
