Broadway Fetishes

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#25re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/29/08 at 5:15pm

It's probably easier for us gents to take care of it on the spot. :)

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#26re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/29/08 at 8:32pm

actors playing the instruments
really high notes
insane harmonies
when several characters are singing different verses (like in Don't Do Sadness from SA, Kiss Me Part II from Sweeney Todd, 96,000 from ITH...I think you get the point)

"You have two kinds of shows on Broadway – revivals and the same kind of musicals over and over again, all spectacles. You get your tickets for The Lion King a year in advance, and essentially a family... pass on to their children the idea that that's what the theater is – a spectacular musical you see once a year, a stage version of a movie. It has nothing to do with theater at all. It has to do with seeing what is familiar.... I don't think the theatre will die per se, but it's never going to be what it was.... It's a tourist attraction." Stephen Sondheim

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#27re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/29/08 at 8:36pm

Call me crazy, but I'm kind of getting this vibe that you like Sweeney Todd. re: Broadway Fetishes

I'm surprised no one else on here listed key changes. I always feel bizarrely emotional whenever I hear a key change, even in "The Song That Goes Like This."

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#28re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/29/08 at 8:55pm

I'm sexual attracted to Patti's isotoners.

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#30re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/30/08 at 12:15am

Call me crazy, but I'm kind of getting this vibe that you like Sweeney Todd.

haha, you caught me. What can I say? It's the perfect musical (to me). I'm in love with it. Too bad I disliked the film :/

"You have two kinds of shows on Broadway – revivals and the same kind of musicals over and over again, all spectacles. You get your tickets for The Lion King a year in advance, and essentially a family... pass on to their children the idea that that's what the theater is – a spectacular musical you see once a year, a stage version of a movie. It has nothing to do with theater at all. It has to do with seeing what is familiar.... I don't think the theatre will die per se, but it's never going to be what it was.... It's a tourist attraction." Stephen Sondheim

#31re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/30/08 at 12:33am

John Doyle productions.

Square Peg2 Profile Photo
Square Peg2
#32re: Broadway Fetishes
Posted: 9/30/08 at 12:36am

This is totally my first post, how exciting.

So, for moi, any show with an ensemble cast i.e. lots of principal characters, when it's hard to pick who the real leads are. Rent, In The Heights, etc. Even Company, though obviously it's all about Bobby, it still has that ensemble feel.

