
To all board posters -- please read- Page 3

To all board posters -- please read

Duane Reade
#50re: re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:23pm

Okay, but by that same token, what did I ever say PERSONALLY about BG2 or Mr. Kerry Butler (Rob)?

#51re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:26pm

I'm not sure, that, I can't say.

I know this sucks and someone's feelings are hurt. But if we can try to move on from this and continue this board as civilized patrons we can continue to voice our opinions as well as receive valuable broadway information that we may not find elsewhere. re: re: re: re: re: re: re:  re: To all board posters -- please read

Rob Profile Photo
#52re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 2:31pm

This board will never be shut down [touches wood] and I hope to not have to heavily moderate it... That said, personal attacks = no good, so if you've got something to say other than discussing something theatrical --- save it for a Private Message or impress your pet with whatever witty comment you've thought of. re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re:  re: To all board posters -- please read That'll save me from having to actively moderate which I'll do if I need do, but would certainly prefer not to. Nuff' said on this topic I think.

Rob Updated On: 7/8/03 at 02:31 PM

Broadwaylady Profile Photo
#53re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/8/03 at 3:32pm

Come guys, let's get along. Things were going quite well on the board. We all get passionate about our love for Broadway. That's okay but don't let us resort to petty behaviour. I myself never sent a PM about BG2 or complained about him. Life is too short. But, I will alway wonder how in the hell he did get 1,000 posts in such a short time. Only kidding. We don't want Rob to monitor us. re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re:  re: To all board posters -- please read

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by moments that take our breath away." "Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain."

aurora1958 Profile Photo
#54re: To all board posters -- please read
Posted: 7/11/03 at 12:29am

Well, I joined this board for the same reasons, that it was friendly and open and I felt you could voice your opinions have them accepted as that. And if someone disagreed, they usually did it without resorting to insulting your intelligence and/or tastes because they didn't agree. You have to admit that a couple of your posts have done that, but I never held it against you, figured that was just your way, unpleasant as it might be.

I see no reason for you to leave, but you should be able to take what you dish out once in a while. Better yet, let's just have civil disagreements and no one should feel offended.
