
Idina Menzel at the stage door!- Page 3

Idina Menzel at the stage door!

TheGirlinTheFrock Profile Photo
#50re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 4:07am

Oy. Vey. Does this remind anybody of the "Idina and Kristin dont like each other" thread way back in the day? *Sigh* I told myself i wouldnt reply to this because everyone will have different views on this subject no matter what, but what the heck I'll give my .02!

This is not a black and white subject, but lies more in the gray area. Should actor(ess) find it neccessary to come out to sign autographs? If they do come out do they have to act in a certain manor? What about pictures? Converstations?

Making an apperance at the stage door after shows isnt mandatory. But actors know (well at least i HOPE they know) that it can benefit them as well. It is an asset if they have a good reputation and that it is known that they are nice and personable to their fans. I enjoy going to the stage door, congratulating the actors on a great performance, and getting autographs and possible picture for the memories of that day. If the actor does not come out, I am not crushed beacuse i know they have lives and this is their job. I ALSO live close to the city and have more of a chance at going back to meet them. For those of you who do not live close to the city and say you want to stage door to "tell them how good they did" you can always write a letter to them at the theatre. For those of you who want a playbill signed, you can mail it in to them and include a SASE and you have a good chance in getting it back and signed.

Now reguarding Idina in particular, i have gone to the stage door several times (i taken differnt people to see the show), and she has come out and has been very gracious. I would hate having to sign at the Gerswhin every night. Those fans are brutal. It seems that the majority of the crowd just want the autograph of a "Tony Winner" than get it for the memories. Now i said MOST not ALL. They can be rude and the last time i went i think i got a bruise from someone pushing to get up to the front. She was quite - i dont know if it is because she is saving her voice, she is shy, or she doesnt feel like conversing with the people, and i dont think we WILL know so that i believe is pointless to guess. When she was asked a question (a girl next to me asked if it was hard to get into NYU and she answered and talked for a bit (a small exchange of words not a full out convo) For the people who compliment her, does she HAVE to say thank you or anything. I think a smile and a nod is enough, bu that is just me.

Ok i am done. I wrote this at 4 in the morning because i cant sleep. If it doesnt make much sense please excuse me. I'll read it when i wake up and edit any corrects that i catch.

Though scattered and divided we are still its heart...AIDA SEPTEMBER 5th, 2004...one more longing backward glance... I AM NOW "TGIF!"

#51re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 4:47am

Can you tickle me?

...that depends on what'cha look like...TheGirlinTheFrock...

I'm unlimited, I am wicked through and through...
Updated On: 7/26/04 at 04:47 AM

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#52re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 9:44am

Do you people honestly think that when performers decided to do this for a living, they had NO IDEA that people would want their autograph at the stage door? If you choose to make your living performing in front of a thousand or so people eight times a week, you have to know that this is one of the drawbacks (for those who see it as such). No one has a job that's 100% perfect. And no one is forcing them to go out that door and be pleasant, but if they don't, then they all understand that there are consequences, i.e., unhappy fans, disappointed children, etc. This generation of fans did not invent stagedooring. It's a long-standing tradition. So it's not news to anyone.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#53re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 9:51am

No, this generation of fans didn't invent stagedooring (is that even a verb?), that's true. But this generation seem to take it very personally if performers don't come out and sign and (on the whole though of course not entirely)can be very agressive and unpleasant about the whole thing. A performer owes you nothing once the curtain has come down. Nothing.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#54re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 10:02am

I certainly don't condone fans being rude to performers at all. But I believe (and I could be wrong) that the majority of people waiting for autographs are average ticket buyers who traveled some distance and would like a souvenir. As I have stated before, a close friend of mine is a B'way leading lady and I would never want her to have to deal with exceptionally rude or dangerous fans. On the other hand, she will stand and sign for any and everyone, and I have seen her deal very graciously with those who have come to see her for the umpteenth time.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#55re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 10:31am

The real problem nowadays is so many fans are unaware there is a line and frequently cross it, in style. It is understandable that performers who have been subjected to that on more than one occasion would choose to exit by another door, or not stop and sign.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#56re: Idina Menzel at the stage door!
Posted: 7/26/04 at 10:37am

I can agree with that. My friend has been around for about 25 years, and I am not aware of any negative experiences for her. And I have come out of the stage door with her quite a few times, and people have always been more than pleasant and deferential to her. I can imagine if you've had some horrible experience, it could color things, but I would imagine those aren't too common. If they are, then security needs to keep everyone away from a particular stage door.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
