paradox_error Profile Photo
Posted: 3/7/05 at 11:47am

See the thing is, I only attacked your hate post.

I personally don't care if you don't like Bernadette Peters. What I don't like is that you come on this thread and open with:

"Definitely NOT Bernadette! She sounds like she's drunk"

This is a positive thread. It is not about who you don't like, but who you DO like. Get acquainted with the purpose of the thread before you post in future. And before you say, "BUT you aren't nice," as stated before, I attacked your attack.

And yes...the fact that you haven't listened to the numerous recordings of Bernadette Peters, yet still can attack her, makes me question your intellegence. Her performance in Sunday in the Park with George is one of the most brilliant performances I have ever seen, and not once does she sound like she is drunk. Mack and Mabel - she doesn't sound drunk. Into The Woods - She doesn't sound drunk. Song and Dance - she doesn't sound drunk. Annie Get You Gun - not drunk. I could go on, but I won't.

Now in future, please don't deviate from the purpose of the initial post. Do this, and you will find I actually am a very nice member of BWW. I apologise for calling you stupid, but as a rabid Bernadette Peters fan I am very temperamental when it comes to attacks on her.

Posted: 3/7/05 at 1:07pm

If you had read the previous posts by some other people you would have noticed that I was not the only one who doesn't like BP and said it here.

And if someone doesn't know all or one particular work of some artist that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the person's intelligence.

Maybe her performance on the shows you've listed have been brilliant on stage, but the performances I have HEARD have been enough for me to form my opinion about her SINGING - which was the only thing about her I have commented here. And hearing her sing on those recordings I have heard have been enough for me to NOT listen to her recordings. You don't think she sounds like she's drunk, well I do. Matter of opinion.

Maybe I turned the thread negative - I apologize that. But You turned it hostile by starting me calling names. And being a fan (even a temperamental one) is no excuse.
