
LITTLE MERMAID improving- Page 3


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#50re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/13/07 at 4:21am

I was reading the songs weren't too good. Add a lame un-costume, bad all around.

It's been awhile since I have seen my tape,(got taken by some unsavory character), so I was rusty with the names. Eddie is such a nice guy, so of course, I want him to look and feel good about the part. It's difficult to get them to change songs. I know, not impossible but if your character stands out as looking bad, it can hurt your performance. i.e. here I am, in a big Disney Musical wearing this really lame outfit that is more sad then even funny.

Of course, that is just me and how I would feel about it if I were in his shoes. I rather it be decent than to have to expect Eddie to have to just imagine he has this cool costume that all the kids just love. It is possible, if he is really imaginative but why make him have to do that?

Of course, if the Mermaids look like they have dual tails, ala, legs and extensions, than at least he won't be crying alone.
