Mouses Magic
#1LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 1:35pm


As it goes with out of town tryouts, TLM seems to be improving on a some of its weaknesses. The major problem from what I have been reading is the ending. The costumes and sets have mixed feelings, some love them and some dont, but the ending was pretty much a problem for everyone. Well. I have good news. I was reading posts of people's reaction to the show over at and there is a guy (or girl) that has seen the show three times now and this is a "snipet" of what his most recent post says (you can see the whole thing at the above link)

"It is evident that Disney is spending a lot of time on the development. While I can't say that I completely like the difference in endings between movie and stage, Disney is finally adding the pieces that help me believe in the story as they are telling it. Between 7/26 and 8/2, I could see a couple of minor changes. Between 8/2 and 8/9 the show was operating at a completely different caliber and the battle climax was more along the lines of what I would expect from Disney.

I love the adding Ursula using Ariel's voice to break the moment between Ariel and Eric that might have resulted in a kiss on the first day. I do think Ursula/Flotsom/Jetsom deserves a new song to help mark those passing of the days instead of constantly reprising songs that have already been beaten into us during the show.

I love the mist that has been added to Kiss the Girl. I love some of the subtle lines that have been added such as Eric's final thought in the If Only/Her Voice quartet where he realizes that by following the voice he will loose Ariel. It shows that he is becoming aware of his feelings for Ariel.

I love the tension and drama added to the showdown. This is what has been missing in the previous performances. This is what makes me start to buy into the changes. I love the fact that they broke through the proscenium for the climax. It helps recall Ursula's giant self from the screen. And the use of the giant tenacles in her first appearance help vary that scene."

Looks like they are getting their you know what together :)

P.S. Lets try not to go down negative town with this thread ok :)

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#2re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 1:39pm

OK, I'll be good and quiet.

Not Barker, Todd. Profile Photo
Not Barker, Todd.
#2re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 1:59pm

Very nice. I hope Disney can make this one into a good show.

PLEASE! Do not post anything negative or dramatic! DidYouReallyHearMe has LOST the ability to ignore such posts and he will comment! Please, help him.

With Clay Aiken in Spamalot, all of Broadway is singing a collective "There! Right! There!" -Me-

"Not Barker, Todd is the only person I've ever known who could imitate Katherine print." -nmartin-
Updated On: 8/11/07 at 01:59 PM

#3re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 2:27pm

Hard for me to trust someone named "Mouses Magic."

Mouses Magic
#4re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 3:16pm

Then click the link I put in the takes you to the board where the person wrote the review. I wasnt the one to write the review, I was just informing you guys of what he(Phoenix9282) said about the shows improvments over his repeated visits.

#5re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 3:46pm

Good!! So glad to read this.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#6re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 3:47pm

OMGz me2


uncageg Profile Photo
#7re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 4:03pm

<-------- I see it on the 21st of Aug. Will post my thoughts.

Just give the world Love.
Updated On: 8/11/07 at 04:03 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
#8re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 4:45pm


Anyway, thanks for the information. I hope things really are looking better.

#9re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 5:06pm

I think there are enough good things happening with this show right now to still be optimistic that it will all be straightened out.

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

BrianIdol Profile Photo
#10re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 6:06pm

I couldn't agree more. I have faith in the show - it has an amazing cast and creative team - they won't let mistakes/problems go unfixed.

Mouses Magic
#11re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 7:35pm

uncageg...make sure you post a review :)

P.S. Im kind of interested in the projections used. I read if you sit too close you miss some of the projections. Let me know what you think of them if you don't mind!

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#12re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 7:37pm

How much are they paying you to keep this up MM?
(I didn't say anything negitive about the show}
Updated On: 8/11/07 at 07:37 PM

#13re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 7:55pm

I'm just really looking forward to seeing it myself. I'm seeing it the night it comes to NYC. Hopefully I will be able to get back to see it when its officially frozen.

I want to apologize for some offensive messages posted on this board under my name. The night 0f 12-15-08 I did not have internet access, and someone had used my name to post something offensive. My avatar was also changed. I dont' know what else was posted, or if anyone recieved bad PMs, but I want to apologize for that. I've changed my password, and even though I was not the one posting these messages it still needed to be corrected.

Mouses Magic
#14re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 8:29pm

"How much are they paying you to keep this up MM"

Oh, Id say about 100 percent more than they pay you now since your not working at Beauty and the Beast anymore...ouch

#15re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 8:36pm

>>>"The costumes and sets have mixed feelings"<<<

I thought that sets and costumes are inanimate objects. How can they have any feelings at all; let alone "mixed" ones?

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

Mouses Magic
#16re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 8:42pm

Dollypop...cute, but I think you knew what I meant. BUT if you want to be that literal, here is a word for you...


B3TA07 Profile Photo
#17re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 8:48pm

^Don't be a bitch, just admit you have SH*Tty grammar.


Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#18re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:07pm

Yay! I'm glad to see they're changing things around and not becoming complacent and saying "It's Disney, people will see it no matter how bad it is." I'm getting excited for Sept. 5th now!

Mouses Magic
#19re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:13pm

B3TA07 and Dollypop...why dont we both try to be a little more mature and stop taking things out of context just to make a snippy remark. The FULL original sentence I wrote was, "The costumes and sets have mixed feelings, some love them and some dont, but the ending was pretty much a problem for everyone." I think it is pretty obvious what I was going for. This is a BROADWAY forum, not a Masters of English convention. Stop being rude for no reason. Kind of immature. Cursing was good though. Really showed off your maturity.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#20re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:18pm

If you take as little care in typing that as Disney did in making Tarzan a good musical, you must be working for them.


Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#21re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:19pm

"f you take as little care in typing that as Disney did in making Tarzan a good musical, you must be working for them."


B3TA07 Profile Photo
#22re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:20pm

Re-read it.


Rose_MacShane Profile Photo
#23re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:21pm

I'm not saying the sentence didn't make sense, I'm saying your logic doesn't make sense.

#24re: LITTLE MERMAID improving
Posted: 8/11/07 at 9:23pm

Not that I think Curtain is a nice person, but this is the second or third thread I've read where someone made an obnoxious comment about their show closing. Come on...that's low.
