Xanadu Onstage Seating?

#75re: Xanadu Onstage Seating?
Posted: 2/13/08 at 7:42pm

Will they seat people on the stage up until the second before the show starts?

I have 2 onstage seats for a matinee in a few weeks, but our plane doesn't land at LaGuardia until right at noon.

Needless to say I am not getting my hopes up that we will make it to the show because I am a huge pessimist, but in case we get there at 1:59..... I just wanted to make sure we could still be seated on the stage.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#76re: Xanadu Onstage Seating?
Posted: 2/13/08 at 7:53pm

They will seat you most likely, but if you can get there ANY earlier, that is your best best.

#77re: Xanadu Onstage Seating?
Posted: 2/13/08 at 8:01pm

Thanks. That makes me feel a tiny bit better.

But yes, we will be running from the terminal to a cab to the show. This was supposed to be a "If we make it, okay. If not, okay" situation, but now that we have stage seats I reeeeally really don't want to miss it.
