Alan Cumming in Hedwig?

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#50Alan Cummings in Hedwig?
Posted: 7/31/15 at 8:11pm

Can't figure out how to embed tweets, but on Stephen Trask's twitter on July 27 he pretty firmly squashed all rumors of a London production, as well as the sequel.


Who knows what is going on, considering all of the "rumors" popped up online. Still, we know who is spreading them:

Alan Cummings in Hedwig?

Updated On: 7/31/15 at 08:11 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#51Alan Cummings in Hedwig?
Posted: 8/1/15 at 10:53am

"Still, we know who is spreading them:"

I cry, because I will laugh if I don't. JK. I cry-laughed. That was hilarious, ChildofEarth.

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#52Alan Cummings in Hedwig?
Posted: 8/1/15 at 11:48am

Neil has said he would like to close it with a one time show. John has said that now that he's done it once, he would go back and do it again. I might be alone in this, but the show is still John's, no one will be able to take it away from him.

That's incorrect. This revival is Neil's show. John passed the torch willingly and lovingly onto Neil. No one is trying to "take it away" from John. John wants the show to live on and touch people. Which is why he has done a great job casting different Hedwigs that invigorate and inspire all different types of people. 

If John wanted this show to be his, then he would have opened the revival as Hedwig. But he didn't.

John is incredibly smart and realizes Hedwig isn't owned by anyone. John was never THE Hedwig because there isn't one. Hedwig can be black,Asian,Mexican,Muslim etc's not about the person that plays Hedwig, it's about the spirit.

Which is why I always laugh when people get so defensive about JCM. It's not his show this time around and he doesn't wan't it to be.

I think it's pretty clear that the amazing experience that happened at the Jane, the one that inspired you all to become JCM fanboys and fangirls (and I used the term 'fanboys' lovingly), is the exact same experience John wants people to find with Taye and Darren and Neil.

There is no tier of Hedwigs, because that defeats the point of Hedwig. 




Updated On: 8/1/15 at 11:48 AM