New Project needs help

#1New Project needs help
Posted: 12/13/16 at 6:20am

Hi theater nerds,

My name's Jose Marti, I'm spanish and a Broadway fan.

I've been working for the last year and a half in a website for Broadway fans whose first language is not english but spanish. It's not a blog or a personal page, but it's a profesional website with intentions of becoming a meeting point for all the Broadway fans in Spain, South America and around the globe.

You can take a look to the web here:

So, in order to get some boost, I've launched a Patreon site where anyone can help (just with $1) and sponsor this idea that would help to enlarge the Broadway market and would create a proper spanish Broadway community. Feel free to check the Patreon site and help as much as you like.

Thank you one and all and have a great day
