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Question About Play That Goes Wrong (Spoilers)

Question About Play That Goes Wrong (Spoilers)

#1Question About Play That Goes Wrong (Spoilers)
Posted: 10/22/18 at 7:26pm

Everyone has been so helpful when I ask this question. Thanks! I recently asked about Phantom and I have a similar question about Play That Goes Wrong. Gunshots? Are they loud? Recorded or cap gun fired? I know I’m coming off as weird but startling gunshots do a number on my ears and nerves. I can handle recorded. Thanks again!!

Updated On: 10/22/18 at 07:26 PM

#2Question About Play That Goes Wrong (Spoilers)
Posted: 10/22/18 at 11:10pm



There are two instances of gunshots in the show; one cluster of three recorded shots in the middle of the first act, and one real (blank) shot at the end of the show. I wouldn't say the shots in the first act are particularly loud, they're meant to sound as if they're coming from a room offstage. The shot at the end of the show can be loud and is meant to come as a surprise, which could be jarring for you if you're sensitive to live gunshots.

Both moments are very quick.

I would also say that if you're sensitive to loud noises in general, this may be a difficult show for you. There's a lot of shouting, loud banging, sounds of destruction, etc,. 

The show is a lot of fun - I'm hoping that if you know the shots are coming you'll be able to stomach them and won't be deterred from seeing the show. I think you'll really enjoy yourself.

#3Question About Play That Goes Wrong (Spoilers)
Posted: 10/23/18 at 1:14pm

I'm also sensitive to loud noises.

This show was a little hard for me because there's a lot of built up anticipation with the gun being on stage for quite a bit. The onstage gunshot is quite loud and took me by surprise (I think it's a delayed sound?) This probably wouldn't be a show that I'd recommend sitting in the first row for, primarily due to the sensory overload  - we did rush and that's where our seats were.

Other loud noises that I can remember are some stage lights blowing out with sparks (reminded me of loud party poppers) and parts of the set collapsing (but it's very built up and I found you get distracted by the comedy aspects)

It's still a hilarious play - I really enjoyed it when the gun wasn't on stage and my anxiety wasn't through the roof haha - and if you just remember that the actual gun doesn't fire on stage until the very end when there's utter chaos (like in the last 5 min), I think you'll be fine :)

#4Question About Play That Goes Wrong (Spoilers)
Posted: 10/23/18 at 7:33pm

Thanks MemberName 2! Thanks arcolley! I appreciate your answers a lot.
