
Nobody Steps on Kafritz - Sheet Music

Nobody Steps on Kafritz - Sheet Music

#1Nobody Steps on Kafritz - Sheet Music
Posted: 10/9/19 at 3:58pm

Hi, does anyone know where to find the sheet music for Nobody Steps on Kafritz from Henry, Sweet Henry, Music and Lyrics by Bob Merrill? Sam French handles the rights, but they only offer a digital perusal score that you can't print. There's a pdf version online, but I'm looking for an official score/sheet music. Does anyone know if its available, or if the song can be found in an anthology? Thanks!

Update - Touched base with Sam French and they said their music for "Henry" was only available for production. I'm working with a young artists, preparing the piece for a competition, but we require an actual published copy of the song. Does it exist (Beyond the complete score Sam French uses)? Thanks again!

Updated On: 10/12/19 at 03:58 PM

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