Doris Dears Gurl Talk show

#1Doris Dears Gurl Talk show
Posted: 11/14/20 at 9:48am

Hi everyone. My new show is now showing on Broadway on Demand for free. I have fun and some great Broadway guests. The premier episode I have a great chat with Broadway legend Amra Faye Wright. 6 episodes. I hope ur take a look. there was just an amazing review: Read it here Thx for taking a look!!!

#2Doris Dears Gurl Talk show
Posted: 11/14/20 at 9:58am

Wow congrats on the review. I watched 2 episodes up and i have to say this is a standout after all the crappy online streaming stuff I have seen. I had seen Doris Dear pass though on here many times but never saw her shows. This is great. Amra Faye is amazing. I saw her in Chicago years ago. 19 years!! WOW! I wonder if that’s a record for someone playing a roll non stop on Broadway??? Again, congrats. I’ll be tuning in and others should for sure. Can’t wait to see who else u have on. 
