
Hey Guys and Gals; Broadway and more

Hey Guys and Gals; Broadway and more

#0Hey Guys and Gals; Broadway and more
Posted: 6/12/05 at 8:03pm

With Henry Farnam, is tonight.. it starts at 9 pm east, 6 pm pacific.

I thought u guys maybe interested.
here's the addy again


and while you are logged in there, you can also log into Henry Farnam's chatroom, http://www.henryfarnam.com/~chat/chat/

So that if you would like to call in to the show or even ask questions, ..

So, come and hear some of the best Broadway music.

Look forward to seeing you there..

I look forward to the show every Sunday.

#1re: Hey Guys and Gals; Broadway and more
Posted: 6/12/05 at 8:13pm

i will be there esp now with cable i can hear henry yay


#2re: Hey Guys and Gals; Broadway and more
Posted: 6/12/05 at 8:36pm

Jeanne, I'm glad you'll be able to listen in tonight.

Broadway fan2
#3re: Hey Guys and Gals; Broadway and more
Posted: 6/13/05 at 12:15am

It was an amazing show tonight.
