The Drowsy Chaperone

Mark in Oakland
#0The Drowsy Chaperone
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:02pm

Does anyone have any advance word on "The Drowsy Chaperone" with Sutton Foster & Georgia Engel at LA's Ahmanson? I've got 2 tix for a Sat mat in December but may be cancelling my trip to LA if it's not worth the 400+ mile drive.


Patronus Profile Photo
#1re: The Drowsy Chaperone
Posted: 10/11/05 at 1:50pm

Here is all the discussion that we've had so far:

There isn't a lot of detail about it because it's a new show that just started rehersals, but I'll be there opening night and will post a review.

Check back then.
