producers advance showing

#0producers advance showing
Posted: 12/9/05 at 3:24am

Just saw The Producer's in Adelaide Australia. what a great romp. It had that fabulous feel of an old broadway musical, you know like it was filmed on a sound stage, rather that trying too much to make it feel real.
Broderrick overacted however five minuted into the film i was comfortable with that, it worked! I am still not sure about Farrell, there is something that bothered me, can't place my finger on it yet. Perhaps he adlibbed a little and Strowman didn't know when to pull the reins. Uma was great however, i would have liked to have seen a lesser known in the role. I struggled to believe she was from "sweden" (was it sweeden? any who) It was true to the stage show, with enough extras to keep it fresh. I was entertained from start to finish.
Stay for the credits to hear the additional songs as well as a cute little finishing scene.
