Billy Elliot-New Billy?

#0Billy Elliot-New Billy?
Posted: 4/1/06 at 6:54pm

I have been out of the loop regarding Billy Elliot for a while. Last time I checked there were three Billy's: Travis Yates, Leon Cooke, Liam Mower. Now I just looked back and their are around SEVEN Billy's. Colin Bates/Leon Cooke/Matthew Koon/Dean McCarthy/Liam Mower/Layton Williams/Travis Yates. One of them looked Asian, and another African American. How does this work out? Are they now alternating seven Billys?

#1re: Billy Elliot-New Billy?
Posted: 4/1/06 at 7:06pm

No, they're alternating five: Liam, Leon, Travis, Colin & Matthew. The other two are next in line and are expected to make their first appearances in the summer.

June 3rd is thought to be the date when Liam's contract comes to an end, though it isn't certin that this will be his last performance. Leon will presumably be coming close to the end of his run some time in the summer and Colin is nearly sixteen already, so presumably his will be one of the shorter runs.

#2re: Billy Elliot-New Billy?
Posted: 4/1/06 at 7:11pm

Thanks. Do you know why they have started to alternate five? Are the asian and african american one already alternating? Interesting choice for a Billy, to use children of a different ethnicity.

#3re: Billy Elliot-New Billy?
Posted: 4/1/06 at 7:21pm

I think they found the schedule a bit brittle with only three, which is why James and George kept making comebacks. I think it would have been four rather than five had it not been for the discovery of the amazing Colin at the American auditions and the determination to get him on stage before his voice broke.

I haven't seen Matthew, but I'd like to. There was some nonsense talked about it not being appropriate to have an Asian Billy, but that seemed to evaporate once he started.

Chris T
#4re: Billy Elliot-New Billy?
Posted: 4/2/06 at 5:28am

Actually, only James made a comeback. George had another two weeks added to his contract in December until Travis Yates took to the stage, but hasn't been on since. James did two shows left in September, officially, but returned in November and December and did two shows in January.

Matthew Koon is a very different Billy, not because of his race, but because of the way he interprets the part. His Billy is quite timid and really only comes alive when he is dancing. At the moment four of the lads are doing two performances a week and the fifth Billy has a week off.

Liam is due to leave on 3rs June, Layton and Dean are due to start in September. Best guesses are that Leon, Travis, Matthew and Colin will alternate June-Aug, with Leon and Colin leaving at the end of the summer.
Updated On: 4/2/06 at 05:28 AM

#5re: Billy Elliot-New Billy?
Posted: 4/3/06 at 12:13pm

You're right about George. Although he did perform after his official last night, it didn't really count as a comeback. As you say, his contract was just lengthened for a couple of weeks. I gather that George resisted offers to perform again when they were back down to three prior to the introduction of Matthew and Colin in March. I rather respect him for that. He must have been tempted, but he clearly wanted to draw the line.
