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Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!

#0Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:05pm

He was just on!

#1re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:07pm

NO WAY. Is he in the whole episode? Man. I can't wait. It's possibly the only legitimate thing to do that's not writing my paper. - most underrated performers on broadway

senortenor Profile Photo
#2re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:09pm

I just saw him on there. That was a surprise. I came on here to see if anyone was mentioning it. haha...

#3re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:12pm

Aw, I can't wait. I'll be watching.

#4re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:13pm

It took me a while to realize it was him but it was a nice surprise!!!

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#5re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:14pm

Okay, who's that guy with the shaggy black hair? I totally know him from somewhere, and it's gonna bug the crap outta me.

ETA : Never mind, figured it out. Oh, Jesse Head from So Little Time. Good stuff.

And yay for Michael!
Updated On: 5/14/06 at 10:14 PM

#6re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:15pm

Updated On: 5/14/06 at 10:15 PM

#7re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:29pm

That was probably not a wise choice to announce that publicly... (plus your post has nothing to do with the topic, but neither does mine)

EDIT: Nice save... Updated On: 5/14/06 at 10:29 PM

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#8re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 10:42pm

oooh!! i'm going to watch this now!

tmz814 Profile Photo
#10re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 11:29pm

I of course started yelling when I saw Michael on the tv (not expecting him to be there... it was a pleasant surprise). My roommate thought I was having a heart attack or something. He was cute... and it made me feel a little better being excited that Michael was on the show considering how mad I am at the show right now... hopefully everything will be resolved and I will be happy again after I see the show tomorrow night!

But.... yay for broadway boys (and girls!) on Grey's Anatomy!

We've all got our junk and my junk is you!

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#11re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 11:39pm

You stole my words, shneb28!
Haha, my boyfriend had no idea what I was talking about when I got all excited about seeing him in the show. After I recited Michael's show biography by heart, he said, "Oh, interracial couples, hooray!" (We are one as well, you see.)


gustof777 Profile Photo
#12re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 11:56pm

haha I was driving my sister crazy because every time he came up on screen i FREAKED out and was like he's amazing!! but yeah...hurray for michael and wow what an episode?!?

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#13re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/14/06 at 11:58pm

Yeah, it was pretty intense. I can't wait for tomorrow!
And it looks like Michael would be there again, no?


gustof777 Profile Photo
#14re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 12:06am

I hope so but i'm thinking that he won' just seemed like they kinda wrapped up with her saying that they were through...but let's hope

RIP Natasha Richardson. ~You were a light on this earth ~

#15re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 12:21am

Yeah, I think he was just a cameo. He was good, but I dunno, something different about his acting style compared to the others. But Sara Ramirez was great. I dunno why, but I was really drawn to her. She was great.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#16re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 12:22am

I love Sara on the show. I can't help but feel bad for her.


#17re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 12:28am

For her or for her character? it's actually the first time I've ever sat down and watched the show. it is really good, though I was a bit confused. Anyways, I would imagine you're talking about her character. I do too. I really wanan see how everything works out.

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#18re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 1:18am

I toooooootally flipped out when I saw him there right at the beginning. Started squeeing and going all fan girl "awww, Michael Arden!!", lol. My mom was very confused.

So ironic cause there's a guy in the cast of a show I'm in now that I keep telling people reminds me of Michael Arden and no one knows who I mean - but we alway stalk about how we love Grey's Anatomy, I can't wait to see them Friday and they'll know who he is now!

I'm likin' Sara Ramirez on the show too. I just don't get why she looks...not heavy, but bigger than average, y'know? She never seemed that way in pics from shows, and I've been so confused as to whether it's the haircut and wardrobe, like they're trying to make her look bigger or waht - cause last episode with the bathroom madness, when they're showed her waist down in just undies, I was like "see mom, look at her legs! they're sooo tiny - she's NOT a big girl, why does she look sorta overweight on thsi show?!" - it's been driving me crazy! Anyone else notice this?

I'm also wondering what's up with her character. Is it just me or does something seem a little off? When George first discovered her living in the basement and she kept going on about how she wasn't wheels have been turning ever since. She seems a lil...fanatic about George. Just me?

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

#19re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 1:48am

If I remember from the Tonys she's always been a "big" girl. Not big in a bad way, but I mean she's no toothpick. She looks fine to me. I'd date her.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#20re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 2:07am

I don't believe that was her exposed body in that bathroom scene. That may have been a body double.
I think it's just that she's average (or even "big," but not fat) while the other girls on the show are skinny as all heck.
I like her character. She and George definitely rub off on each other. He's become more bold while she a bit more shy. I hope that she continues to guest star on the show next season.

Updated On: 5/15/06 at 02:07 AM

rKrispyt Profile Photo
#21re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 2:14am

lol, that's what my mother said when I first thought out loud "she's not big...why does she look big on this show?", to which my mother replied "I think the rest of these women are just toothpicks and it's a comparison thing"

honestly though, I think it's just her haircut. the bangs make her face look rounder - it's just her face and her chest that seem bigger than normal on teh show for some odd reason.

I don't know why this is bugging me so much...

this is me, letting it go already, lol.

If I show you the darkness I hold inside, will you bring me to light?

#22re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 2:15am

The scrubs also unfairly highlight her belly - especially when she was walking with George.
And to further threadjack - did anyone see Noises Off with TR Knight? - most underrated performers on broadway

#23re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 3:35am

I didn't know Michael Arden or what he looked like before tonight, but I was able to pick him out of everyone on the show tonight. (WHICH WAS AMAAAAAAAAZING by the way!!!
Arden does have a VERY theatrical acting style on camera. Just needs a little more time in front of the camera, I think and he will be fine. He certainly has the goods to be on TV though! I thought he was great!
Regarding Sara Ramirez...she is a voluptuous girl if you see her in person. I wouldn't call her FAT..just curvy...normal. As we know, the camera is not forgiving. SHE is actually NORMAL compared to the other girls on the show! Have any of you ever run into a tv actor who looks thin on TV? In person, they are SHOCKINGLY SKINNY! Sara also doesn't have a very long neck and she has all that that give an odd appearance, if you REALLY want to pick it apart! I don't though...
It BLEW my mind every time I met a TV or soap star cause they are SCRAWNY! I think Sara is gorgeous on camera. I also think that she adapts her acting style very well from stage to TV..its VERY different and hard to do! kudos to Sara! With all the talk about her missing shows when she was in Spamalot...she is doing FINE NOW! HA!!!!!!!!

acrocksyo Profile Photo
#24re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 10:40pm

Wow so like did no one read the news that he was going to be on the season finale? Reviews and the like

C is for Company
#25re: Michael Arden...Grey's Anatomy!
Posted: 5/15/06 at 10:42pm

Where was he tonight?
