
Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins

Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins

#1Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 1:10pm

I went to see Mary Poppins recently, had 3rd row orchestra seats, only to find out that there would be an understudy in for Mary. I had seen the show once before, but was upset that I wouldn't be seeing Ashley in the role again. I was pleasantly surprised at how well Catherine adopted the role and made it her own.

Some of the strong points of her performence was her own take of the material, her operatic voice, and her comical acting skills. Usually, understudies are instructed to interpret everything the same way that the regular person would. Catherine Walker, however, was much more sarcastic and funny than Ashley was - she saw Mary more as tongue-in-cheek than Ashley did. I really enjoyed seeing a different choice. Ashley's voice seems to be more of a pop voice than an operatic one - much like the Mary Poppins on the London cast recording. Catherine brought intense vibrato and feeling to the music, which was a change. She also sang out most of her lyrics, rather than spoke them. In some parts, this was nice. In others, it seemed to make the meaning unclear and the words hard to hear. But overall, her performence was great!

I believe that her main weak point was a missing amount of energy. She did everything well, but I couldn't see very much energy in her performence. When I saw Ashley, when she made her entrance for the first time - she OWNED the stage. Catherine was vague and lacked a certain stage presence. Also, usually you become very attached to Mary. I didn't find myself to be so attached, especially during the end.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised. I had never seen an understudy in for a main lead role and it was a nice experience. I also think that if I had better seats, I would have enjoyed it better -- my neck hurt by the end of the second act.

Thank you for reading my review!

Any comments? Updated On: 4/13/07 at 01:10 PM

#2re: Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 3:27pm

Im so jealous you got to see Catherine I recently saw it front row left side and i had ashley but i really would like to see someone else in the role of mary!!! What children did you see??

#3re: Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 3:29pm

who went on for the glamorous doll? and were there any other understudies??

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#4re: Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 3:59pm

I saw her at the end of March (3/27) and thought she was wonderful as well. The night I went, Suzanne Hylenski was in for the Glamorous Doll.

#5re: Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 4:59pm

There were a ton of understudies - but only for small parts.

I saw Kathryn Faughn and Henry Hodges

#6re: Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 5:03pm

i know im annoying but can i please know who went on for the understides besides the glamorous dol???

#7re: Review of Catherine Walker (Understudy) in Mary Poppins
Posted: 4/13/07 at 9:23pm

I have no idea.
