Digital Sheet Music - JRB

Looney Profile Photo
#1Digital Sheet Music - JRB
Posted: 4/7/08 at 2:42am

Does anyone know of a site where I can purchase digital sheet music of Jason Robert Brown's work, esp. selections from Songs for a New World? Haven't had any luck with some of the main sites I've used for other things, so I thought someone here might know.


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jeniferrenepatricia Profile Photo
#2re: Digital Sheet Music - JRB
Posted: 4/7/08 at 6:08am

Not digital sheet music, but I bought an entire book of his work in Colony because I needed "Stars and the Moon" for a show.

Acting should be bigger than life. Scripts should be bigger than life. It should all be bigger than life.- Bette Davis

Looney Profile Photo
#2re: Digital Sheet Music - JRB
Posted: 4/7/08 at 12:15pm

Yeah, I'm thinking it's just not available digitally...

I know where I can get the songbook, but where I live it's a minimum of 50 miles to get anything!


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