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Our Town by Thornton Wilder

#1Our Town by Thornton Wilder
Posted: 11/9/14 at 3:12pm

The River Dell High School Drama Club proudly presents “Our Town”.
“Our Town” revolves around the life of two ordinary families in the early twentieth century, in the small town of Grover’s Corners, New Hampshire. Playwright Thornton Wilder ponders the human existence throughout the play as he delves into the themes of daily life, love and marriage, death and dying. With the aid of the Narrator, the audience is confronted with the transience of life. While a single human life comprises only one finite revolution from birth to death, the world continues on, human beings continue to exist as just one part of the universe.
This production uses a bare stage and minimal props allowing the audience to fully focus on the actors. For the very first time, projection imaging will be incorporated. This also plays into the idea of the passage of time onstage. For although we are able to use technology, we are still human beings and the human condition remains the same. As Wilder said, “Our claim, our hope, our despair are in the mind – not in things, not in ‘scenery.’”

Performance dates are Friday, November 21st @7:30PM and Saturday, November 22nd @7:00PM. All shows at River Dell High School, 55 Pyle Street, Oradell, NJ.
Tickets sold at door. General Admission $10/Students $5
