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Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??

Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??

#1Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/18/08 at 5:05pm

I want to go see "Sunday" on the 21st, but since i'm a member of the procrastinator's club of america, i didn't buy the good seats when i saw them. the only seats left are the far front few rows left/right orchestra aisle, or some far mezz. seats.

i'm leaning towards far left/right front orchestra, but i don't know if these seats are good. are they partial view? Is every part of the play visible?


#2re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/18/08 at 5:09pm

either far aisle like second row orchestra, OR Mezz. DD center

H.Higgins Profile Photo
#2re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/18/08 at 6:10pm

My recommendation would be the Mezz. seats. Row DD is close enough that they'll be wonderful.

The far sides are okay if you're at least half-way back in the orchestra section because only the very upper corner of the stage on the same side of the theatre in which you are sitting gets clipped off. But the first couple rows of the orchestra are way too close for this show, even in the center, so the extreme sides would really hurt your view.

So, I think you should grab those Center Mezz., row DD seats while they are still there.

And enjoy! It's an amazing production!
Updated On: 6/18/08 at 06:10 PM

#4re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/18/08 at 8:45pm

UGH how about rear orchestra right or left, aisle

or Mezz. DD

Midnight Radio
#5re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/18/08 at 8:50pm

I sat Mezz. Center DD. Great seats, especially to get the full impact of the chromolume!

singingwendy Profile Photo
#6re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 1:13am

I just got back from seeing the show this afternoon in mezz center CC. They were EXCELLENT seats. Grab the mezz!

violet72 Profile Photo
#7re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 8:23am

grab the mezz seats...I saw it in row D of the orchestra on the side and the view wasn't that good....front mezz is the way to go with this show

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life. Define yourself"

#8re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 10:31am

got them, i'm so excited.

thanks everyone =)

i hate to start a new thread for a seat question, but it was one of those "need to know now" things.

By the way, my Mezz. DD seats were only $65, and there are more left, if anyone is interested in going, i got the discount from

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#9re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 11:26am

There is a deal for $50 weekday seats anywhere, and $65 on weekends. the code is SPHITS from Hit Show Club. Just wanted to let you know.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

#10re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 11:39am

yeah thats the one i used. its also on playbill and theatermania.

there was a full row of Mezz DD seats left for this Saturday

#11re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 11:45am

what's the proper attire for this show?

my past...5? show experiences have been matinees and various performances of RENT, so ive kinda forgotten when you dress up and when you don't.

Sundress? denim capri's/nice shirt?

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#12re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/19/08 at 11:56am

Dramagirl: Attire at Broadway shows is more lax these days. A sundress is fine, but jeans/denim capris with a nice shirt are fine also. As long as you don't look like you just rolled out of bed, you should be fine.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#13re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/20/08 at 3:11pm

i dressed up when i went to see Les Mis last summer, because i found that in general, NYC young 20'sish female tourists now wear like cocktail dresses to evening theater.

#14re: Sunday in the Park with George far aisle seats good or bad??
Posted: 6/20/08 at 11:01pm

went to TJMax and got a cute black cotton short sleeve dress. Good for seeing shows =)
