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The Wedding Singer

#0The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/12/06 at 4:36pm

I just bought a ticket to see a preview of THE WEDDING SINGER here in Seattle on Feb. 7th. I watched the movie a few days ago to see what it was all about and it seems like it will translate well as a musical comedy. (I'm also happy to read that there will be original songs and not a jukebox score. I love 80s pop music, but enough with all the recycling already! LOL)

What I hope to see improved is the depth of the characters, who are largely stock figures in the film. I'll report back after I see it.

Updated On: 1/15/06 at 04:36 PM

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#1re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/12/06 at 4:42pm

As if I haven't said it enough, but I am SO EXCITED for this show. LOL And to think, I really only got interested in it because of Kevin Kern... and he's an u/s! *Snort* But now I really can't wait to see it. re: The Wedding Singer

Steve2 Profile Photo
#2re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/12/06 at 8:43pm

My ticket is for February 3!

thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#3re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/13/06 at 6:19am

I'm expecting full detailed reviews. re: The Wedding Singer Haha.

Also, for anyone who cares, the website for the show was updated with cast headshots and bios.

#4re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/15/06 at 9:33pm

Thanks for the link, t.g.!


MrBundles Profile Photo
#5re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/15/06 at 9:35pm

I'll be going in Feb too. Hope we all enjoy it!

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thespian geek Profile Photo
thespian geek
#6re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/16/06 at 12:22am

You're welcome, 9C. :)

MrBundles Profile Photo
#7re: The Wedding Singer
Posted: 1/16/06 at 1:30am

kevin kern is awesome! He came to my high school (in vegas) to help with our production of les mis, and he took us backstage when we were in NY!

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