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Member Name: Rose'sTurn
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re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 03:19:11 AM
Double Post
re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 03:17:18 AM
I'm listening to IN for the third time now. I love it!
re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 02:39:59 AM
Hey fairies, I own 2 Carrie soundboards, a workshop, AND a full Stratford video.

Doesn't that just grind your gears?

re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 02:33:52 AM
If you all can't see the importance of protecting a professional actor's work - we're all doomed.

Yes, we are all doomed. All doomed because we want to hear a revision of a huge 80's mega flop. Nothing else will doom us as bootlegs do.

re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 02:23:52 AM
I am STILL waiting for my trade for a recording to go through.

I've been waiting since Saturday!! I'm getting restless!!

re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 02:17:31 AM
I'm sure, since this was an AEA reading, that AEA demanded SOME compensation.
re: CARRIE Reading?
 Nov 26 2009, 02:05:28 AM
Yes - some idiotic individual might have snuck into the tight industry heavy audience with a recording device - BUT if you cared at all about the integrity of the union actors who gave of their time so freely to make these readings possible - you would REJECT or DESTROY any recordings that became available. These people were paid NOTHING to bring these performances to life and their talent should be protected.

Indivdual? Try 5-10 & probably more individuals. You are batsh*t craz

re: Guys and Dolls Runyonland
 Nov 25 2009, 10:42:29 PM
Dramamama, here is all the direction from the MTI script.

re: Where's Franz (Tom Lenk) ?
 Nov 25 2009, 09:13:06 PM
Since you guys think Tom will read this then I'm going to ask him directly.

Tom, why is it that you appear to be an a-hole?

re: Guys and Dolls Runyonland
 Nov 25 2009, 08:58:09 PM
The script liscensed from MTI is very specific about Runyonland. There are 2 pages of stage direction for it.
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